127193 Seiten

Saudi Arabia executes man who allegedly committed crimes as a minor
Saudi Arabia has executed a 26-year-old man for crimes related to governmental rioting that he allegedly committed while he was a minor, rights groups Amnesty International and Reprieve said, condemning the execution

Putin calls summit "constructive"
Following his meeting with US President Joe Biden today at a historic summit in Geneva, Switzerland, Russian President Vladimir Putin said the talks were “constructive” on the whole. “I don’t think there was any kind of hostility,” Putin said in response to a question from CNN’s Matthew Chance.

21 House Republicans vote against awarding medals to Capitol police
“These Republicans... find themselves in a pickle: How do you honor the heroics of the police in an event that you deny” These 21 Republicans — who had previously expressed their public support for police — voted against awarding the Capitol police a Congressional Gold Medal for protecting the Capitol during the January 6 insurrection

Analysis: Why did 21 Republicans oppose honoring those who served on January 6?
Make no mistake what these 21 Republicans are trying to do: Rewrite the history of January 6 to make Trump — and his incitement of the rioters — look less bad | Analysis by Chris Cillizza

The housing market is so hot buyers are paying $1 million over asking price
Would you buy two homes just to get the one you really want One buyer in Austin, Texas, did

Spanish man jailed for killing and eating his mother
A Spanish man has been jailed for 15 years and five months for killing and eating his mother at the apartment they shared in Madrid

Congress passes bill making Juneteenth a federal holiday
The House passes a bill to make Juneteenth a federal holiday commemorating the end of slavery, sending it to President Joe Biden to sign into law

VÍDEO: Cachorro é resgatado após passar por castração em república de estudantes universitários
"Realizaram esse procedimento, filmaram, publicaram, de maneira que zombam até do animal, do sofrimento que causam no animal e essa prática configura maus-tratos”, disse o capitão Júlio César Cacciari de Moura, oficial da Polícia Ambiental

Brasil tem 1,5 milhão de pessoas acima de 60 anos que não foram vacinadas contra a Covid-19
Se considerados apenas os idosos acima dos 80 anos, são quase 400 mil pessoas que ainda não receberam nem a primeira dose, aponta levantamento da GloboNews

Mãe e filha são vítimas de estupro coletivo após encontro com jovem que conheceu pela internet
Sete pessoas foram encaminhadas à delegacia na cidade de em Juscimeira (MT)