Congress passes bill making Juneteenth a federal holiday

The House passes a bill to make Juneteenth a federal holiday commemorating the end of slavery, sending it to President Joe Biden to sign into law


Stop drinking the kool-aid
Juneteenth has become the latest iteration of liberal capture of Black politics, opportunistic virtue signaling, and the intentional misrepresentation of America’s history.

“An opportunity to discuss resistance against oppression has been turned into a substance-free feel good day.”

Juneteenth was largely a regional holiday celebrated by Black people in Texas and other southern states. It commemorates the events of June 19, 1865, when Union troops arrived in Galveston and announced that slavery ended as per General Order Number 3. "The people of Texas are informed that in accordance with a Proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free.” It is an important event that ought to be remembered, but its true significance has been lost. Juneteenth has become the latest iteration of liberal capture of Black politics, opportunistic virtue signaling, and the intentional misrepresentation of America’s history.

Corrupt and avaricious corporations honor Juneteenth and cynical politicians give it great attention. There are calls to make it an official federal holiday. Unfortunately, the most common narratives of the Civil War are fraught with lies meant to give dispensation to bad actors of that era and to sanitize awful truths.https://www.blackagendare...rate-juneteenth

This country teaches history by omission there was a small group of African-Americans and historians that even knew the significance of that day where children and the rest of the nation were only told about the emancipation proclamation or Martin Luther King being the father of the civil Rights movement or the denial of that segregated and Jim Crow society that still persists to this day because as a nation people of color are still fighting for equality in a nation where the Constitution says we're all created equal just like these people were denied freedom but the country had already freed them because it was against humanity for human beings to treat other human beings as property have a nice day

In light of Juneteenth it’s interesting how many people are trying to erase history !

It’s very sad how people are lying about Critical Race Theory. It doesn’t say all Whites are Racist or all Blacks are Victims or anything like that ! It’s also mainly taught in College and not K-12. Why are people lying to us about what it says ?

We now have People who haven’t read the official CRT Curriculum trying to erase the history of Black people by trying to justify and erase slavery and Jim Crow and okaying unequal treatment of blacks in our society today! It’s very sad !

Let’s stop trying to deny history got us to where we are today !
