Analysis: Why did 21 Republicans oppose honoring those who served on January 6?

Make no mistake what these 21 Republicans are trying to do: Rewrite the history of January 6 to make Trump — and his incitement of the rioters — look less bad | Analysis by Chris Cillizza


If this is somehow Democrats allowing the other side to be heard, allowing the American Way of hearing difference of opinion and then becoming all RIGHTEOUS because opinions matter and President Donald J Trump turned you all into matches with the Pelosi Endorsed Impeachment Pen and Striker, you can not erase a FIRE STARTED BY THE MEDIA! IN FULL DISPLAY, RECORDED, SAVED, MORE THAN THE HOLLYWOOD ERA OF BILL CLINTON, OPRHA, JARED FROM SUBWAY, BILL CLINTON ACUSSERS, HILLARY HUSH MONEY, BARRACK SAYING HE'S FROM KENYA, CHUCK SHUMER IN THE LITTLE BLACKBOOK of HEIDI FLEISS, HILLARY AND EPSTEIN, WEINSTEIN, KEEP THIS GOING

My representative voted no. Ralph Norman of SC District 5 is a true deplorable. He was hand-picked by Nikki Haley when Mick Mulvaney resigned to go work at WH. Multimillionaire, 15th richest in the House. Placed a gun on a restaurant table when meeting the ladies from Moms Demand Action while discussing gun control. Joked about the MeToo Movement saying RBG was so old she accused Abe Lincoln of sexual harrassment. At the height of Covid, held a press conference with a doctor who claimed masks were useless, believed in demon sex and alien DNA. Norman nominated Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize. He does nothing but repeat negative GOP talking points. No accomplishments. Hangs with the worst of the GOP like Greene and Gaetz. Since appointment, he has won 2 narrow elections. The good ole boy southern network where their goal is money and power.

That's what I thought. I know over sever hundred of you Biden supporters have read my post. But no body can describe and explain on this post what Joe Biden has done to benifet this country and the American people. And I dont want hear. Oh he solved covid. No he did not. Trump forced that vaccine upon the big pharma and dished out the billions of dollars to get that vaccine developed people. Not Joe Blow. Joe blow is riding Trumos coat tail and failing miserably. Joe Biden failed as a father for Christ sake. He allowed his son to become a full blown drug addict crackhead for Christ sake. The man can not control himself around little girls. The man can not even put one whole sentence together without pausing or hesitating or mumbling forget and mistaking everything he supposed to be talking about. Especially when a little girl is in the same room

It's time for the Republican's in Congress to GROW THE F@#$ UP and, take responsibility for their action's and, involvement in the Coup Attempt on the Capitol rioting of January 6th.
They may want to sweep it under the rug but, they can not alter the past and, they can not ever change what the ENTIRE WORLD, saw happen in January 6th.
Republican's are afraid of an investigation into 1/6, bc it will show just how just how much the Trump Administration and, Republican GOP members of Congress were in collaboration with each other about the Coup Attempt was seen around the world!
These Republican's in Congress involved in the event's of January 6th can run, but they can not hide!!!

3 Maas shootings in Chicago in the past 10 days by people of color killing people of color. No stories about it on CNN. Why? Because they want you sheeto think all these democratic run cities are doing OK. And they just want to shove hateful GOP stories down your throat. Wake up. They don't care about. Trump did. You can spew all the hatred you want about him, but you can't deny the facts. Look what he's done. Compare it to what thus administration and the Obama administration has done . No comparison. And I'm a Democrat. They just want your votes. And don't curse me out. I'm just trying to open your eyes. Have a great night.

To vote to honor the Capitol police is voting to say it wasn't a peaceful gathering that's why they won't vote and it's funny the Republicans was all about the blue when the spring and summer riots happened they were standing right beside them but because the medal would be given to Capitol officers who protected the capital against the right wing groups they don't want to honor them because the Primus is the right wing groups don't riot and destroy property like the left groups! And to vote for the medals is saying the right wing groups caused the capital building destruction! Its actually a little funny! To claim to be on the side of police officers till it requires you to actually show you mean what you said!

But that’s not what our leaders are doing. They’re doing just the opposite. They’re working hard to divide us into warring camps with lies. They’re telling us a story that is completely — and very much intentionally — disconnected from reality. They’re claiming that something called white supremacy, a term they never define, is the greatest threat we face. A greater threat than Al Qaeda or ISIS. Our thoroughly craven attorney general told us that very lie today.
MERRICK GARLAND: In the FBI's view, the top domestic violent extremist threat comes from racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists, specifically those who advocated for the superiority of the white race.
That was the Attorney General of the United States stating a fact backed up by the FBI. So it’s fair to ask the obvious questions.
Who are these violent white supremacists exactly? What are their names? What crimes have they committed? We still don’t know. Merrick Garland didn’t tell us. He spent most of his speech talking about the riot at the Capitol on January 6th, an event that had nothing whatsoever to do with race. But Merrick Garland lied about that. He, like the rest of the liars you see on television, wants you to believe and wants history to record, that January 6th was an attempted insurrection by white supremacist revolutionaries bent on taking over this country. We came this close, Garland said. And that’s why "We must adopt a broader societal response to tackle the problem's deeper roots."
