ما حجم تأثير أصوات المسلمين والعرب في نتائج الانتخابات العامة في بريطانيا؟

ما حجم تأثير أصوات المسلمين والعرب في نتائج الانتخابات العامة في #بريطانيا التي ستجرى بعد أيام عدة؟ #الجزيرة_فيديو



إسراء آل إبراهيم Courtesy of Shield Of The Son Michael Jimenez on YouTube
Fallen Angels of Genesis 3 & 6 attacked The Twin Towers and Pentagon https://dailymotion.com/video/x1adgu9

Building 7 was apparently the HQ of the investigative committee into the missing 2.3 trillion dollars from the defence budget as announced by Rumsfeld on Sept 10th.

Dr Judy Wood - Where did the Towers go?

Terrorists and fanatics are not only to blame; fallen angels of Genesis 3 & 6 started Islam through Rome and this is causing divisioning; Emperor Hadrian of Rome in AD135 created the scenario for bloodshed of Arabs by renaming the Judean territory Syria Palaestina(Philistine).

Terrorists and in this example fanatics are in every race on Earth unfortunately as demonstrated by the apparent Jews caught on camera in Israel spitting at Christians.

The parasitic, foolish, evil, and cowardly ethereal beings that attack us feed off our blood whenever it is shed; they feed off us during the process of death; also all our negative emotions like pain, fear, or anxiety - D.Icke.

They also attack by encouraging us to attack one another as they see us as inferior, are jealous of us, and need us as an energy source; they preferably want us to annihilate one another out of existence because they are not happy that we exist.

All malevolent spirits in the Earth plane today are mostly the souls of dead nephilim giants wiped out in the Great Flood; the offspring's of the fallen angels of Genesis 3 & 6 cursed and bound by the Creator from ever transiting from the physical plane - Banned Book Of Enoch.

All the accounts from the Old Testament which is full of warfare and bloodshed that was conducted by the Creator through the Hebrews, what you must understand is that all those nations destroyed were not inhabited by human beings totally but rather heinously abominable creatures that came to be through the copulation of mortal women and fallen angels of Genesis 3 & 6/non human entities, and also through the copulation of these foolish fallen angels of Genesis 6 and creatures of the Earth. These same scenarios on a worldwide scale eventually led to the need for the Great Flood to wipe them out from the face the Earth.

The first weapons built by humans the knowledge and information was given and taught to them by the fallen angels of Genesis 3 & 6 - Banned book of Enoch.

Ethereal beings from other dimensions have the ability to appear in our dimension as a biological entity, any complex machine, or as one of the elements of nature.

Homosexuality was never imagined let alone practiced by humans till they saw the nephilim giants who are the offsprings of the fallen angels of Genesis 3 & 6 a.k.a originally as the sons of God indulging in it.

The Catholic church has never been a Christian movement.

"Military personnel are dumb, stupid, animals, to be used as pawns in foreign policy." - Henry Kissinger.

For a paradigm shift to happen you only need 10% of the population however whenever this proportion is close to being attained local and international calamities, disasters, and headlines are engineered and the people lose focus!