In 1968, protests forced Columbia University to change graduation. Here’s what happened next. | CNN

Columbia University finds itself at a similar crossroads as the Class of 1968 after canceling the upcoming university-wide graduation ceremony in response to student protests over Israel’s War in Gaza.


Gil Blum Yes, I said the truth that hurts, and I said the truth that is hidden from you by the media, which sees you as just a puppet to be controlled as it pleases. The whole world has begun to know the truth except for us. Look around and you will see the truth. I have a friend of mine whose brother was kidnapped, but Hamas returned him to his family, and he said, “They did not even touch me.” They treated me well. They gave us their food. Also, look at the testimonies of the previous kidnappers, and then open your mind and understand what is going on around you

Ok, we are hearing a lot of people speaking out in favor of the people who are protesting in support of terrorist, murders, and rapist in our streets and on on our college campus's. Repeating over and over again that they have the right to "free speech" and to "peacefully protest". They are right, they do have those rights, but they are not UNRESTRICTED rights to do it any manner you choose. You CANNOT break the law, or infringe on anyone else's rights while exercising yours! You cannot destroy property that doesn't belong to you. You cannot deny others the right move freely in any area. You cannot take over buildings and you cannot deny others who have business in those buildings the right to enter. You cannot block toads and intersections. You cannot trespass, and as we have all seen, all the protest are NOT PEACEFUL! These people ARE breaking the law and every time it's done they should be arrested, prosecuted, and made to pay for any damages to property they have caused. Yes, you have the right to peacefully protest and to freedom of speech, but you DON'T have the right to FORCE people to listen to to you!

Students in 2024 are much more naive than those in 1968. Students in 2024 are ignorant of the geopolitical history of the land known as Israel. Many believe that history began in 1948. Instead of more than two thousand years prior. Nor do they seem to be aware of the strict laws of the Koran in regards to the LGBTQ causes that many students take for granted here
Yet in Palestine to engage in those same ideals would lead to extreme violence, prison or death. Yet these students wave banners proclaiming the LGBTQ movement fully supporting Palestine. That's not naive. That's straight up ignorance.
No. the protests of 1968 and 2024 are as different as night and day.

Just heard on MSNBC weekend, at trumps NJ rally dictator trump said he will deport protesting students who are antisemitic . And worse. So all this anti Biden BS , wait for the real authoritarian to return. Read trumps Project 2025 vision for his return to the white house. You should all be frightened to live in his maga America. He is all about detaining, jailing, killing American citizens, along with undocumented immigrants. It's a nightmare we have never experience here in our lifetime. May God protect us from his evil. Vote smartly people. Don't throw away your votes. You ain't seen nothing yet. And pray

Julie Vortman Fenstermacher 99% of these protests are about the hatred of genocide and occupation, not any hatred of Jews. Too many Jewish people are on the side of decency to make that bogus claim. The fact that those objecting have to exagerate and lie to make their typical propaganda. Demonizing people falsly has worked to silence people for years, hasn't it? You pick out a needle and try to sell it as a haystack. Have you been at any demonstration? Have you actually talked to one of these "violent bullies"? Name one? . The real victims are in Gaza. Those standing up for them have "the moral highground" I have no empathy for performance artists or people who turn their guilt into victimhood. If you really abhore hate and violence, maybe you should care about children dying in Gaza. That's where you'll find the "real thing." That's the bottom line. Genocide and occupation are wrong. But.. whine loud as you want. Free speech.

Learning to recognize a narcissists and how to deal with their destructive behavior can save you the world of hurt that awaits anyone who mistakes their near enemy for a friend. I was involved in two abusive and destructive relationships.
I got over it, but I swore to myself not to make the same mistake ever again. An Abuser has Many ways of hiding their lies and character, I was married and lived with one for 6years with constant abuse, After the abuse I was recorded secretly and was made fun of with his friends watching the video, he would still leave the kids and I to see this woman he hangs around with sometimes not coming home, it all ended when I could recover this abusive videos on my phone and email, I got text messages both (Deleted messages) of his infidelity and his drug abusive/manipulation side without him knowing and this helped me with my divorce and child custody and also my children that I was alienated from. My mental state is still undergoing recovery, I recommend that you talk to @rubben_scoltcyber01

Funded by CHINA, IRAN, Left-Wing Billionaires and RUSSIA. Responsibility, Responsibility, Responsibility. Oh, CNN and the Left-Wing media have shirked their RESPONSBILITY to report the NEWS TRUTHFULLY as they refuse to show the videos of HAMAS cutting Women's breast off while alive, forcing Women's legs OPEN and penetrating them, beheading and burning babies, women, elderly while alive and shooting Jewish people in the groin among other atrocities. Oh, but beat to death the destruction in GAZA. Biden supports HAMAS like most Democrats. Talk about hating Israel and the JEWISH people. If BLACK students were beaten, threatened, harassed and kept from attending classes and going to their dorms as their CIVIL RIGHTS were blatantly VIOLATED like the JEWISH students at all these antisemitic universities there would have been investigations by the AG, DOJ, FBI, Department of Education and Congress and Biden and Democrats would have condemned it and our US TAX DOLLARS would be pulled and frozen at all these universities that hate JEWS and love HAMAS. The NAZI regime of Biden, Democrats, CNN and the Left-Wing media are so blatantly evident. How can you all even consider yourselves part of the human race?????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Sindy Xu can't u help who u don't know? Israel was put there by British government and UN after they suffered the genocide of world War 2. The reason they were put there is because that's where their ancestors lived as a nation in the Bible. Even the name palestine is derived from the Bible Philistines. The people they met there were subjects in the then Ottoman empire which was divided into Iraq, Syria and other nations including Israel. The problem is Muslims like war more than peace. Let them assimilate with the state of Israel or a 2 state solution they refuse and insist Israel must go. Well, Israel won't go and they will continue fighting.

I ABSOLUTELY HATE WHAT ISRAEL IS DOING TO INNOCENT PALESTINIANS ESPECIALLY FOR THE FACT THAT 70% of all murdered are women and children but to going after Jewish people is no different when tRump was going after Asian people because of COVID
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
The only reason everyone now knows about what Israel has been doing to the Palestinians for decades is because of Hamas
10/7 1,200 People died
218 days later 36,000 innocent Palestinians have been executed 70% of them are women and children. THAT IS GENOCIDE

10ºThe attention and response given to the deadly epidemic in Ari Zone


It was reported that hundreds of people fell ill and many died due to the malaria epidemic in Ari zone in South Ari district.
Based on the information we received from the district, my development friend Dr. Philipe Aishala and I visited three kebeles and saw patients, talked to the kebele leadership and residents.
The number of patients and deaths given to us in written form by the Kabyles is shocking.
Although the information has not been confirmed by clinical investigation, we have conveyed the seriousness of the epidemic to the relevant parties immediately.

We greatly appreciate the quick response of the Southern Ethiopia Regional Health Office by immediately providing the medicine that was in the magazine to the Southern Ari district and sending a monitoring team.
The Federal Institute of Medicine and the branch in Arbaminca have promised to send medicine if a letter is presented stating the urgency.
These state and federal institutions are to be commended for their prompt response.
MSF Belgium is to be commended for early arrival and limited diagnosis and treatment.

The question of why the seriousness of the problem was not brought to the attention of the regional health office and the Federal Institute of Medicine earlier requires an appropriate response in the future.
If it is not possible to deploy a large number of experts in the form of a campaign, organize a mobile medical station in tents, provide enough medicine and send the tired ones to the hospital for treatment, it will still be difficult to save human lives.
Since the malaria combined with poverty is weakening the ability to resist illness, the society should care and support each other according to the culture of mutual aid.