US announces $400 million military aid package for Ukraine | CNN Politics

The US announced on Friday a new $400 million military aid package to Ukraine


Kathy Morgan yawn????????by that logic, how come Russia has lost over 50% of their original captured territory from March 2022? Why did Putin’s army have to retreat out of Kherson, Kharkov and Kiev? Why has Ukraine last week captured a new island by Kherson? Why does Putin’s army need cannon fodder storm z/v units in meat grinder attacks if the line is ‘under control’ per your words. More important, why has Russia (per RT) lost so many tanks they need to increase tank product by 350%, which is mostly refurbished scrap from 60 years ago? And.. Russia is 3 times the size of Ukraine in population… PS- your logic would mean Germany won WW2. Nice fake profile BTW

Judy Fien that is completely incorrect I did medical billing up until 4 years ago when I retired. He is cutting the rate slightly from what is paid to physicians and facilities that accept Medicare advantage plans. The services provided by these plans are exact to what traditional Medicare covers with many having extra benefits like Visa cards to buy over the counter items or gym memberships etc. These “extra benefits” are what’s being cut. I agree with the cuts. Why should people on Medicare Advantage plans whether they are dual coverage plans or not, get more benefits than seniors who choose Traditional Medicare. If we have to buy dental and vision coverage than so should you. We don’t get to go to CVS and get free stuff why should you? This whole matter would be null and void if the government would just pass Medicare for All with everyone being treated the same.

Judy Fien what you don’t understand is Medicaid is a state insurance not federal like Medicare is. If you live in a red state or a state that does not participate in the Affordable Care Act then it’s the Governor of those red states that are screwing you not Biden. About 20-25 years ago there were 3-4 Medicare Advantage Plans one being Secure Horizons. They gave away so much free stuff they went bankrupt so doctors and hospitals got screwed out of millions of dollars. Of course they billed the patient but if u were in the hospital and got a 100k bill from the hospital there was no way people could pay the bill so many people had to file bankruptcy. Biden is trying to keep the current Medicare Advantage plans from going under. If I were you I’d be moving to a blue state or at least one that participates in the Affordable Care Act.

All the pro-Russian comment are either bots or people who are clearly ignorant. They probably don’t know one person from either country, let alone been to Russia or Ukraine. I know people on both sides who have died. If you think Ukrainians aren’t fighting, how come Russia still hasn’t taken all of Donbas in 27 months of war, let alone Kiev? Also, hear this… Putin’s cronies are now saying Moldova (who neighbors Ukraine and has a Russian backed separatist region there) has suddenly a nazi eugenics program and somehow is trying to replace their national language of Moldavian with Romanian… and that Putin is trying to protect Russian native speakers there. And also last week said the same about Russian native speakers in Narva, Estonia (a NATO country). If you think Ukraine isn’t fighting for the US and EU… then you’re Neville Chamberlin on the eve of WW2

People need to realize that we are only making things worse for Ukraine by continuing this war no amount of aid is ever going to change the outcome of the war only make it worse for Ukraine the longer this war goes on the more territory Ukraine will lose to Russia we really need to stop funding this war if we really want to save Ukraine it was a big mistake for us to think that we could ever get Ukraine into NATO we tried that with the country Georgia back in 2008 and that failed miserably Russia ended up invading Georgia not long after at this point all we’re doing is destroying Ukraine and throwing away money.

Quote: ️
"Let both mankind and jinn be witnesses to the extreme increase in the heat of planet Saqar by the command of Allaah the One, the Overpowering, and to the fact that it will throw at them scorching sparks that are a mixture of yellow copper and other minerals. Saqar will call to its abyss him who had turned his back and was too arrogant to follow the truth. Saqar knows the criminals as a mother knows her children and it is a fiercely blazing fire. I have lost count of the number of times I have been warning people for 20 years of its heat and sparks due to its approach
Have you ever heard of a celestial eclipse that is solely known by Allaah's caliph on the whole world, Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani?! I did not just say a solar or a lunar eclipse, but a great celestial eclipse that includes the sun, the moon, all the planets of the solar system, and all the sky's stars. To explain, it will make you unable to see the whole sky and that is the great awaited celestial eclipse for the sun, the moon, and the solar system, and will obscure the eyes of the viewers to not be able to see the stars. This is the awaited great celestial eclipse owing to the passage of Planet Saqar. It will start with its partial eclipse from the far southeast to the far southwest. The celestial occlusion begins from the south of the planet Earth (South Pole), exactly from its far southeast to the far southwest. Meaning, that the celestial eclipse will come from the northern celestial sphere. Here it is raising the temperature in the regions near the southern pole of the Earth, although the Sun's Summer withdrew, heading for the Northern hemisphere. The heat of the summer will be doubled and equivalent to the heat of two (gathered) summers. Allah will afflict the disbelievers with a thermal torment from Saqar and another from the fiery sun. However, the summer of Saqar is the extremely hot one. All this will occur in 2024 AD, corresponding to 1445 AH, by the command of Allah. O people! How could you bear the heat of 151° Celsius degrees, will you not reason? I know Saqar is deadly but Allah manages its heat, He will make it cool and safe for His allies who believe in the Oneness of the Lord of the worlds. However, it will afflict those who are arrogant (enough to not follow the truth) with its fiery sparks wherever they hide, as they will find no helper or protector from the sparks of Saqar other than Allah
O people! Know for certainty that the arrival of planet Saqar is inevitable. Even if the entire world were to believe in and submit to Allah, the Great, and follow the commands of Allah's Caliph, they would still witness the approach of planet Saqar. It will suddenly appear before their very eyes and astound them, leaving them powerless to avert it, nor will it be given time after. However, Allah, the most Glorified,
never requits in such a way except those who are ungrateful (disbelievers). Allah will command it (Saqar) to be cool and safe upon those who believe in Allah and His Oneness. They are the allies of Allah and His Caliph; they will see it as if they were attending a splendid live show of a sky eclipse, and they will have no fear nor grief
For those who believe in the anger of nature and disregard the anger of Allah, they do not believe in Allah as the ultimate Master who controls the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and who created them both. They deny His existence. We will wait and see if they have gods other than Allah to protect them from the torment of the heat of Saqar! Verily, Allah was not unjust to them but they wronged themselves. O Allah! I call You to be my witness that I warn those who regard the anger of Nature and neglect the wrath of Allah, the One and the Overpowering and the Mighty Avenger. Indeed, they will know that Allah is never unaware of what they do"

The Crescent of Shawwal was Born Before the New Moon Syzygy¹ on Ramadan 28 while It was in a Waxing Crescent Phase
al-Imam al-Mahdī Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani
30— Ramadan— 1445 AH
09— April — 2024 AD
Mahdialumma . com

tu sei abituata a guardarti troppi film hollywoodiani cara mia ! Secondo perché non mandano i maiali americani a combattere contro i russi ? Credi che sia come in Afganistan o in Iraq ? Se parli così non sai bene la storia ! Vi credete così onnipotenti? Perché non inviate i vostri maialini in Ucraina ? Se foste così forti già l’avreste fatto no ? E che prima volete mandare al macello gli ucraini stessi insieme a tutti gli altri paesi europei per poi intervenire pure voi come se fosse una passeggiata combattere contro la Russia ! Farete la stessa fine di Napoleone sia voi che tutta la nato ! Io sono italiano e sono benissimo che il nostro governo è un vostro burattino purtroppo! Siete solo dei guerrafondai, fate capire che volete aiutare l’ucraina ma la state usando solo per provare le vostre inutili armi e mandare al macello gli ucraini per sconfiggere i russi ! State usando una strategia infame e se poi vi arriva un bell’attacco nucleare credimi li non è come nei film ️

Chuck Harris BREAKING.

The Biden administration is now under investigation for ELECTION INTERFERENCE based on new evidence of illegal coordination between the Dept. of Justice and political prosecutors bringing charges against former President Donald Trump.

The DOJ has been instructed to hand over "activity and/or communications between Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, New York Attorney General Letitia James, Special Prosecutor Jack Smith or Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis related to the investigation or prosecution" of the former president in FOIA demands from @AGAndrewBailey.

"I am demanding the DOJ turn over communications relating to the illicit prosecutions of President Trump," AG Bailey announced.

"This includes communications between the DOJ and Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, New York AG Leticia James, and Fulton County DA Fani Willis."

"Thanks to evidence that has come to light, my office has reason to believe Biden’s corrupt Department of Justice is the headquarters of the illicit prosecutions against President Trump," he added.

There is evidence D. A. Alvin Bragg and D.A. Fani Willis, in addition to Special Counsel Jack Smith in both the classified documents case and the J6 case, have "selectively and vindictively" prosecuted cases against former President Donald Trump.

The Biden regime is carrying out the most blatant election interference campaign in the history of the country against the leading presidential candidate.

This must be stopped if Americans seek to live in a free country ever again.
