Maryland bus crash on I-95 leaves 1 dead, 23 injured | CNN

Maryland State Police are investigating a fatal bus crash on Interstate 95 early Sunday that left one person dead and 23 injured.


Surely you’ve been forced by someone who supports Trump if you think they’re fascistic people. I can name lots of mandates, lockdowns, abandoning federal law though catch and release even suing states who try to enforce federal law, the lawfare election interference, the collusion with big tech and the intel community to censor, delete, shadow ban, conspiriacies of collusion with Russia and two bogus impeachments….. and so on and so forth. The fascist Islamic extremists on the progressive left calling for a 2nd Holocaust. Holding a climate crisis over everyone’s head that would mean everyone’s rights going back to a lockdown level. I’m just curious what has anyone ever forced you to do who supports Trump?

Every day for the plastinain is October 7th
The world doesn't care about it until 7 th happened

Everyday are kidnapped their homes

Everyday are killed
Israel is the only country in the world that triales children
In front of military courts
They have a 99% conviction rate
There's ni Where in the world have 99% conviction rate

In November 4th
The first exchange the between Hostages Israel realesed 240 children and women's
233 of them convi
We call them prisoners
But actually they go in in the houses and they
Kidnap them on
Daily basis
The Daily kidnapped happens
Daily killing happens
Every single day are shot

All story
Happened since 75 years of occupation before 7 October

SCIENTIFIC PROOF, not just evidence, OF LIFE AFTER DEATH...HEAVEN & HELL. Scientists now say that there is Scientific Proof, Not just evidence, that there is life after death. "This is the Proof we've been looking for all along" Dr Michael Sabom. In the documentary "After Death" released in theaters 10/27/2023, Proof was shown of 4,000 patients that died apprx 30 to 60 minutes - Completely Flat Lining on all Vitals: Brain, Heart, Respiratory, Nerves etc. were resuscitated back to life & could recount the specific details of all that took place in the operating room during that time: What doctor did what, what nurse left the room, what machines & equipment were used & when, what was said, etc. All 4,000 patients also left the room during this time & went to either Heaven or Hell. 23% went to Hell. Everyone met Jesus Christ as the "Owner of the Universe" REGARDLESS of their Religion or whether they were an atheist. The 4,000 were ones Christ decided to bring back to life for a purpose. It has been estimated that the vast majority who die & do not come back do go to Hell. The evidence shows that Christianity is the only true religion. It shows that whatever religion you believe or whether you are an atheist, when you die you will meet Jesus Christ, you will be judged by Him whether you believed Him for the forgiveness of your sins and whether you followed Him as Lord, and you will go to Heaven or Hell accordingly. See the movie "After Death" released 10/27/2023 now available online on various sources including Read the books "Beyond Death's Door" and "To Hell and Back" both by Maurice Rawlings M.D. Note: Hebrews 9:27 "It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgement" is obviously the normal general rule, it does not mean there are no exceptions obviously or then it would Directly Contradict Hebrews 11:35 & John 11:41-44 & other passages. See also.

thé i'ncidents started as the speedings ticket first nots paid but someone owés e'ms cash moneys ands wents after thems drivings the freeway and bas'eds on the picture showns ands reported by CNN .. the drivers los't focus drivings the freeway ands the drivers know the weather, the freeway ands it's rainings ands the roads 'wets ands shouldn't speeds the freeways ands he the driver was chasings thems ands knows he owés the one he was chasing driving the freeway ands as in chasing, he was followings them (they know each others) the driver was drivin'gs too closely ands the driver he was followings, he sloweds down because of the rains, he won't be ticke'td but followings too closely, he's ats faults fo'r the car accidents ands head-ons collisions drivings the freeways, the crime charge'd is .. "hit ands run ands side swipés attempts " too hi-jaq someones drivings the opposite directions .. ands the i'ncidents reporter by CNN ands breakings news againsts theúr coverage teams ands must be not'ed by the Washington State Patrol ands #targetzero .. th'é drivings ands try'ings too manslaughters someone, especially the drivers it's just irr'responsibles ands the drivers is goin' to be citation'éds thé DUi firsts .. ands shoulds be noté'd too TMZ ands theirs speedings tickets drivings ats ex'cessive speeds ands nots followings the speed limits signs ands drivings i'mpairéds .. the drivers didn't use theirs best judgement ands is goings to be cita'tions theirs speedings tickets firsts .. click its ors tickets ..