14 practical wine hacks that are here to save the day | CNN

If you drink wine, you need these tips.



What a bunch of NONSENSE! Donald Trump appointed Wray.

Your accusations against President Biden lack evidence. First, you blamed him for human trafficking and money laundering, now you've supposedly seen evidence.

Both are nonsensical because Biden's dismissal of Shokin happened when Burisma was not under investigation, as confirmed by the 2014 Bureau and FBI. If Biden was guilty, why did Trump risk his presidency by soliciting Ukraine to manufacture claims?

Why wouldn't his handpicked FBI Director Wray or AGs Barr and Sessions, acting as his personal attorneys, address any real misconduct? Interestingly, Trump's son-in-law received $2 billion from abroad but failed to secure a White House security clearance.

Yet you don't bat an eye, showing your motive isn't about corruption but vengeance or fear of January 6th exposure. Quit wasting taxpayers' money on these wild goose chases. RESIGN and get professional help. Your claims are unbelievable to anyone rational.

BOOM: Kevin McCarthy’s opponent John Burrows just DESTROYED McCarthy’s pathetic attempt to blame Biden for Trump’s indictment.

Oh this is good!

“Speaker McCarthy, with all due respect you are completely full of it.

Joe Biden didn’t indict Donald Trump.

A) An independent counsel brought charges and

B) a Grand Jury of Trump’s peers in Florida indicted him.”

Burrows then slayed him:

“You know the truth, but you are to weak to tell the truth. You lie and pander to the MAGA base in a desperate scramble to hold onto your position as Speaker because you are to weak to lead your party out of the Trump cult.

I've got news for you Mr. Speaker. Trump supporters will never love you. They’ll never have your back. They hate you. They want to destroy you, and it's working.”

Ouch! Burrows continued:

“Time to be a big boy and stop with the transparent and childish games. You are hurting our country, you are hurting your party, and you are humiliating yourself.”

Anyone else love to see McCarthy put in his place?
