Alex Newell and J. Harrison Ghee make history as first nonbinary Tony acting winners | CNN

Two performers who identify as nonbinary made history at the Tony Awards.


Sylvie Gendron I think too many people throw around the "hatred" and "homophobe" terms loosely. If someone doesn't agree it isn't always hatred. It's just that they don't agree. If you want to rearrange your genitalia go ahead. I might think that's odd, but that's just me. Certainly doesn't mean I hate you. For instance, my gay friend was telling me that they were disappointed because they gay movement kind of became not as important as it once was, now that trans is overshadowing and getting all the media hype. So it's not that the gays hate the new trans folks on the scene, but they are a little irritated that they've been kicked down the latter a little bit. Then once this trans friend of mine was telling me they felt underappreciated because the nonbinary movement was now getting all the media hype and people are starting to forget about the trans folk. So see how it just kind of rolls down hill.

Roberta Smith if it doesn't matter, why do you care if a headline includes someone's sexuality or gender? The point of representation is visibility. You can't see someone's sexuality, so it has to be stated. Someone's gender identity cannot be assumed on mere appearances, so it has to be stated. Hollywood has been powered by queer talent since forever but was never truly recognized in the past. Queer representation is all you hear now because we never had that in the past. If you're uncomfortabel that a certain group is getting recognition, and recognition means stating who and what they are, then the problem is you. Like you said, sexuality and gender doesn't matter, but you're still pressed when it's stated, when it's clearly for a community's visibility.

Susan Finger Cohen I don't give 2 's what they want to call themselves or how they want to dress. Sorry I won't address them by their pronouns. Just like they don't have to with me. Don't like it too bad. It's a free country. But I'm sick and tired of this cancel culture woke mob , pushing this on our kids. You should go research all the kids who are detransitoning. Hear their stories. This has no business pushing on our kids. Go after adults. There's a reason why you can vote til your 18 or join the military til your 18 smoke or drink til your 21. Hell you can't even get a tattoo til your 18..and you think kids should be able to make adult decisions? I played with boy toys when I was younger I still am a tomboy, but I'm still female. So glad my parents didn't make me get mutilated
