Billion-year-old rocks reveal traces of ancient life

Advances in biochemical analyses have allowed scientists to identify ancient molecules preserved in the fossil record.


Mark Hullander
Yes, and so can equations, measurements, collections of different data etc.
The evidence is out there. I don't need to educate you, especially if you don't want to look it up yourself.
Google it and you will find all the data, equations, measurements, tools etc and you what the great part is? You are more then welcome by the scientific community to prove them wrong. That is the beauty of science, they want to their findings to be tested in order to perfect their methods.

It is easy to say "you/they are wrong" but can you prove them wrong?

I am sick of the lies that are being spread about President Joe Biden. I had the pleasure of meeting President Biden recently and I can honestly say that he is a straight shooter, a leader of deep faith and integrity and one of the kindest and most sincere men I have ever had the pleasure to meet. By talking with our President for just a few minutes it’s easy to see the amount of strength and intelligence that is flowing through his body. I pray that each and every one of you have the opportunity to meet our wonderful 46th and 47th President in person so you too can see the lies that MAGA news organizations are spreading about the physical and mental health of President Biden. He is the oldest President we have ever had, he didn’t have to serve his country but he did it for each and every one of us. A new and better America is just on the horizon, we need to do our part and stand united together through next November and give President Biden the extra 4 years he deserves to finish the job he started. I’m a proud Biden Democrat and can’t wait to attend the 2nd inauguration of our beloved President. God bless you all, God bless President Joe Biden and God bless these United States of America.
