6 injured in shooting at Houston nightclub, police say | CNN

A shooting at a Houston nightclub left at least six people injured, including one who is listed in critical condition, police said.



Travis Christopher No, the courts made the decision! Ffs, it's clearly stated in your "source", lol:
"Rahimi argued in court that the charge violated his constitutional rights, and the courts initially disagreed. But in the wake of a landmark 2022 ruling in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen, in which the U.S. Supreme Court established a new standard that modern gun control laws must be “consistent with the Second Amendment’s text and historical understanding,” Rahimi’s case was reheard, and the 5th Circuit, in an opinion authored by Donald Trump appointee Cory T. Wilson, agreed that Rahimi’s rights were violated when law enforcement disarmed him due to the protective order."
See, clearly the article mentions the supreme court and 5th circuit court. Not once do they mention "the tight". That's just a lie you made up! lol.
Why do I need any proof, you owned yourself! lol.

Heather Zolecki Chicago definitely has to do some things itself to improve, but it also doesn't help that it's surrounded by states with much looser gun laws. Indiana is less than an hour drive away, and a pretty good amount of guns uses in gun violence in Chicago come from there (and also some from Wisconsin, Kentucky, and Mississippi). New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut all border each other and they all have some of the stricter gun laws in the country.

Also, I'm willing to bet with the loosening of gun laws in Texas that the problem will get worse with time, as it doesn't happen overnight.

K.L. Rutherford well good for you. You watch the news. I guess that makes you an expert on just about everything, right Cowboy? Do you ever watch theatre reviews, art gallery or museum openings, people volunteering at food banks and schools? How about new housing for the homeless or reclaimed sanitation sites being brought back as parks and nature preserves
What things have you done to make your community or the world a better place? I’m guessing nothing. And complaining and attacking anyone who disagrees with you ain’t gonna score you any points for compassion or empathy.
So go back to watching your tabloid news shows. Your kind is a dime a dozen and not worth my time.

David Cosme The court wasn't arguing whether or not he was guilty of being a domestic violence threat. They were arguing whether or not he should be allowed, according to the Constitution, to still have firearms.

In addition to that, the Right fought to change the gun ban for people convicted of domestic abuse related issues from a lifetime ban to only 5 years.

Again, you've provided no sources to support your claim that the Right didn't fight for CONVICTED domestic abuse perps to have firearms. I shouldn't have even responded after saying I was finished here, but it looked like you were actually trying to make a valid point finally. Unfortunately, you just misread the source.

Again, I've proven my points from an academic and legal standpoint and you've provided zero sources. My screenshot records support this. I won't be back. Enjoy being alone with your feelings again.

They're scrambling eggs 36 different ways...
Brib-en is a Compromised Traitor puppet!!!!!
and his puppeteers are scared $hitless .
Trump will expose them all in 24
Trump Trump TrumpBlackRock and Vanguard are two of the Big three passive fund asset management firms. The third, State Street, is owned by BlackRock -whose largest shareholder is Vanguard. It seems all roads lead to BlackRock.

All three combined $20 trillion in managed assets is the equivalent of more than half of the combined value of all shares of companies in the S&P 500 (about $38 trillion). And That’s larger than the gross domestic product (GDP) of every single country around the globe, except for China and the United States.

Bloomberg calls BlackRock “The fourth branch of government”, because it’s the only private agency that closely works with the central banks. These firms were right of Federal Reserve which helped in time of 2008 housing crises to clear the mess.

BlackRock and Vanguard AUM is $8.6 & $8.1 trillion, respectively. In total, they both own/invested in 1,600 U.S. companies(Reuters:2022).

Global Financial Markets

BlackRock’s secret weapon, an advanced trading algorithm called Aladdin(Asset, Liability, Debt and Derivative Investment Network) has been shaping global markets for decades.

Aladdin is a program that executes an average of 250,000 trades per day and operates more than $21.6 trillion is assets

Aladdin executes trades in every asset class across every industry and directs the actions of the Federal Reserve and almost every major U.S. bank. It controls over half of all ETFs, 17% of the bond market, and 10% of the stock market.

It collects data points on every market, every company and every asset and uses machine learning to calculate which trades to execute.

The network that makes up Aladdin is approximately 5,000 supercomputers that now act as the central nervous system for the world’s most sophisticated investors and asset managers.

Every major bank and fund has come to rely on Aladdin and its all-powerful AI to beat the market, which raises several fundamental questions about the nature of our fragile financial system.

Food industry

Let’s take PepsiCo as an example, 72% of stock is owned by no less than 3,155 institutional investors. The top 10 of investors together amount to a value of $59 billion dollars, but out of those ten, only BlackRock, Vanguard & State street own more stock than the other seven.

In PepsiCo, Vanguard Group is currently the largest shareholder with 9.29% of shares And in BlackRock with 7.84%.In Coco-cola, Vanguard and BlackRock has 8.51% and 7.19 % respectively.

The other big companies that own a myriad of brand names like Unilever, Mondelez and Nestlé, General Mills, The Hershey, Kraft Heinz and many more are from the same group of investors.

Tech Industry

BlackRock, Vanguard & State street owns the majority of stocks in Alphabet, Apple, Microsoft, IBM, Facebook, AT&T and many, than other institutional investors. Which makes them first mover advantage.

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Holdings by Both investment firms

Energy Industry

BlackRock has invested $170 billion in U.S. public energy companies (2021) and $85bn investment only in coal companies.

BlackRock, State Street and Vanguard hold $46 billion in debt and equity in oil companies currently operating in the Amazon rainforest.

BlackRock & Vanguard combined holds in 19% of Philips 66, 21% in Valero Energy, 16% in ExxonMobil respectively and many big giants like ConocoPhillips, Occidental Petrol, Chevron corporation, GE…

Overall, the money manager of these firms has nearly $260 billion invested in fossil fuel companies around the world,

Pharma and Health Industry

The Vanguard grp is the largest shareholder in Johnson & Johnson with 8.89 %, Merck & Co with 8.95%. AbbVie with 8.97%, CVS Health with 10%,United health grp with 9%, Sun pharma, GlaxoSmithKline. In down the line, BlackRock holds second-largest shareholder in these companies and many more.

Digital Media

For unilaterally influence bipartisan information flow. “Vanguard and BlackRock are the top two owners of Time Warner, Comcast, Disney and News Corp, four of the six media companies that control more than 90% of the U.S. media landscape,” Together, BlackRock and Vanguard own 18% of Fox, 16% of CBS, 13% of Comcast --which owns NBC, MSNBC, CNBC, The Sky media group, 12% of CNN, and 12% of Disney — which owns a number of subsidiaries...

Apart from the many newspapers and magazines, they also own Sonoma, the parent company of big commercial Dutch channels. Many media outlets from abroad, like VTM, are also owned by the DPG media..

And they own Mediahuis, one of Europe’s biggest media, which works in the Netherlands with its subsidiaries.

And also owns German conglomerate “Bertelsmann”, which is one of the 9 biggest media firms. This company owns RTL, that owns 45 television stations and 32 radio stations in 11 countries. Bertelsmann is also co-owner of the world’s biggest book publisher, Penguin Random House.

Travel industry

Together Vanguard and BlackRock owns 21% of Expedia grp, 15% of Bookings holdings, 27% of American Express,13% of Boeing, 10% of Airbnb ,16% of TripAdvisor and many more.

Hired former government officials

As of 2021, at least three executives from BlackRock operate notable positions in President Joe Biden’s cabinet. Biden appointed BlackRock executive Brian Deese as Head of the National Economic Council, and Adewale Adeyemo, former chief of staff to BlackRock’s chief executive, is the top official at the Treasury Department.

BlackRock lends money to the central bank but it’s also the advisor. It also develops the software the central bank uses. Dozens of BlackRock employees were in the White House with Bush and Obama(Bloomberg Report).

Vadym Pozharskyi vadym.pozharskyil
Subject:_ Be Bexised Burisma Proposal, Contract and invoice
Date: November 2. 2015 51 4:36 PM
To: Dovoh atehof uather
Ce: Hunter Biden hbideni- Eric D.
Dear colleagues
Hope, you are well. Thank you for the docs provided. I have analyzed them most carefully and
came up with the following observations: the first thing is that the suggested scope of work is
largely lacking concrete tangible results that we set out to achieve in the first place, mostly
focusing on the process. Also, it doesn't offer any names of top US officials here in Ukraine (for
instance, US Ambassador) or Ukrainian officials (the President of Ukraine, chief of staff
Prosecutor General) as key targets for improving Nikolay's case and his situation in Ukraine
lf, however, this is done deliberatly to be on the safe and cautious side, I can understand the
rationale. And if all parties in fact understand the true purpose of the BS engagement and all
our joint efforts, it's ok and we should proceed immediately.
My only concern is for us to be on the same page re our final goals. With this in mind, I would
like us to formulate a list of deliverables including, but not limited to: a concrete course of
actions, incl., meetings/communications resulting in high-ranking US officials in Ukraine (US
Ambassador) and in US publicly or in private communication/comment expressing their
positive opinion' and support of Nikolay/Burisma to the highest level of decision makers here
in Ukraine :President of Ukraine, president Chief of staff, Prosecutor General, etc
The scope of work should also include organization of a visit of a number of widely recognized
and influential current and/or former US policy-makers to Ukraine in November aiming to
condtuct meetinas with _and _brina nositive _sianalimessaae and _sunport _on Nikolay's issue to
the Ukrainian top officials above with the ultimate purpose to close down for any
cases/pursuits against Nikolay_in Ukraine
Looking forward to your feedback!
