Conor McGregor sends Miami Heat mascot to hospital following punch during mid-game skit, per report | CNN

The skit was meant to promote a pain relief spray, which McGregor sprayed on Burnie after the blows.


John O'Neill your assumption is that I wouldn’t know the answer but anyone that can read can just google the answer. I’m smart enough to realize that and how would you know if I knew or just searched for the answer. You see, you wouldn’t know, but I know when you make grammatical, spelling, or word use mistakes because I can see them. And if you’re doing it on purpose then that just portrays yourself as not to bright.
Also read that a few times so you can become familiar with the proper use of your and you’re. You’re Welcome!

John O'Neill need google what he have done apparently you not that education, did graduate from high one , two give back to his community in Ohio .. and open schools. But you by you being white male hiding behind private account is hating on black men success so ask yourself what done with your life .. to hate on man you don’t even know are flat out racist like the rest of them . At least didn’t have handing to him . Unlike you white males hand with golden since slavery .aka “white prilivege” . Don’t hate step your game up playa . And google the ref of the information racist selfs is clearly your racist
