As the 2024 GOP race intensifies, join CNN for a live Republican Presidential Town Hall with former Vice President Mike Pence. Moderated by anchor Dana Bash, tonight at 9 p.m. ET


Michael Farrell And just WHY is their so much hate now and how everything is so political?
trump is the personification of HATE. He purposely pit one party against the other in his disgusting tweets everyday. He’s no dummy and studied Hitler’s tactics to brainwash his supporters. His wife Ivanna, said he kept Hitler’s book on his bedside. I could give you a list of the things trump used of Hitler’s to do just that..being the wannabe dictator that he is. One..trump started having rallies the very first week he became president! What president has ever started campaigning for a second term when they haven’t even been president a week? . Hitler had rallies so he could brainwash his followers. Hitler called the media the
LYING PRESS to get his supporters to not trust them.
trump started right in with his FAKE NEWS, BS..that he repeated over and over everytime he got in front of a microphone. trump said in his own book, ART OF THE DEAL, “If you repeat something enough times, people will believe it.”. And if you remember, that’s why trump repeated things over and over all the time.
Just saying…trump has turned our country into a hateful, divided mess! He wants an authoritarian government with him as Dictator! He and his supporters are a clear and present danger to our democracy!

Look of all the candidates running for the Republican nomination I will say Pence is the only one who made it clear and backed it about the importance of the presidency our democracy and constitution I don’t agree with most of his agenda or views when it comes down to policies but that’s ok I could work with that if he was elected. Ok with that understanding here’s my problem or question that bothers me the most he said over and over it’s about what the American people want yet the American people over the last nine elections and the last midterms made it clear in the popular vote they don’t agree with the Republican agenda when it comes to things like abortion, gun control, taxes breaks for the wealthy and corporations, civil rights, the woke nonsense, pharmaceutical cost, insurance cost, healthcare, the handling of Social Security and education costs and agenda not to mention all the corruption and criminal acts by a party, who once believed in the law who stood behind the honesty and basic religious values a party that would never consider white supremacy and domestic terrorists groups as part of their base to name a few things. Look the polls and facts show this to be true enough with the excuses it’s all political propaganda or media bias those excuses lead nowhere but to more loses. So why do you continue to say the American people want the kind of agenda you continue to support because they obviously don’t? Why not take a hard look at what the American people truly want along with the once basic principles and values of the old republican regime that they seem to have gotten away from. I don’t trust the Republican Party anymore how do I get back to trusting them once again.

Michael Farrell Wasn’t trying to be passionate..but I do hate trump with a passion. That may be so..but you can’t deny how trump has won over so many supporters because Reps. don’t mind his lack of any morals whatsoever. They need a leader that they can worship and think is a strong man. . When trump is just an immature name calling bully and is so insecure and thin-skinned. They are a CULT..and would die for trump if they have to. What’s with deluded Republicans brains that they are so gullible and easily manipulated? It’s rather scary realizing half our country are these kind of Jim Jones people?

I thought what the hell give a so called good Christian a chance . Maybe he'll apologize for holding his tongue when trump lied continually, daily, and many times hourly,? Pence might have said honestly "​I tried to honor trump with not following the constitution but even Dan Quail had to say I had no choice and his announcement of becoming VP was by Al Gore the one who had raked up more popular vote but he announced the Trump Quail win ​because your supposed to follow the constitution,"! But I said let it go and then the question of the Trump Pence border policy and you claimed you only followed the Obama family separation policy? What? Yes I am seperated families from single adult males but he didn't jail kids and lose them ! Aren't you afraid as you invoke God's name that he won't put you in flames from a lightning bolt ?
