Three people were arrested outside a California school board meeting after fights between pro- and anti-LGBTQ protesters

While administrators discussed the differences in opinion over the district’s LGBTQ+ policies inside a California school board meeting, a brawl broke out outside and at least three people were arrested, police said.


Stephanie Bebermeyer Lee It was. Legally until it became illegal. (sort of) For most of our history, as I have stated. It was used as a text book by the earliest Americans. The earliest schools were actually in churches. Religion was taught and encouraged. And are you really so dumb as to think all the laws against having the Bible and prayer in schools were passed because no one was praying and reading the Bible in the first place? And not only that, the Bible is STILL legal in public schools as long as you don't directly teach any particular religion from it! And you know it. Why are you wasting so much time denying something that you know to be true? Now run along and annoy someone else. Life is too short to continue this inane conversation.

There's apparently nothing that Newsom, his Dem legislature and the other hard left / communistic Dems across the US will NOT do to divide Americans, toxically pollute our culture, and bankrupt and destroy the US. Here's their latest effort toward those goals:

Reparations for Blacks that were never enslaved, and/or the families of Blacks that were enslaved, from California - never a slave state - and Californians that were almost all born 100+ years after the end of slavery in southeastern US states.

Yes, apparently Newsom and his fellow communistic America-hating Democrat cronies have figured out this new angle by which to buy and control Black's votes, create and sustain ever-greater racial conflict among the full diversity of Americans for them to manipulate and capitalize on, and to justify bankrupting California and then all of the US.

LMAO @ cnn media propaganda to market groomers again to target our children

It’s just the Cnn liberal left-wing extremist groomer media propaganda marketing campaign to promote and incite groomers across all social media platforms to rise up for controversy, protest, rioting, hate and violence to undermine and overthrow governments to take power and give control to liberal radical groups.


When is governments going to hold mainstream media responsible and accountable for inciting extremist groups to rise up and overthrow governments?

Propaganda is EXACTLY what the governments feared TikTok in doing and yet we have CNN doing it.

Nola Geoff I don’t call you anti-lgbtq. I think you’re making a valid argument. I didn’t know what “gay” even was when I hit puberty. I was very sheltered and lived in a remote tiny town. My first thought was that I must have been born in the wrong body because I didn’t like boy things in my childhood, only liked being with girls, and now was suddenly attracted to other boys.

All that to say, if I was born 35 years later, I might have wanted to transition into female and I’m very happy now to be a gay man.

However, I’ve met and talked to trans kids and fully believe that hormone therapy saved their lives. Not everything is black and white. Compassion and understanding and truly listening to these kids would solve this fight.

CNN you're not helping when you let the taunt that RW trolls came up with to scapegoat the LGBT community be used as if it has merit.
Grooming is not what the LGBT community does by existing. It's not what supporters of that community do by saying it's okay that they exist. It's not what trans people are doing, nor what supporters of the beleaguered trans community are doing.
It was ALWAYS a lie. It was a lie the RW could get fearful ignorant people to believe. But it should never be treated as anything other than a lie and a slur.
STOP presenting it as one side of the argument. It's NOT. It's a slur people on one side of the argument make.

Zyn Marlin I also tell God this sounds and feels like abuse until I repent and adopt His ways then I actually can see and realize for myself He really only was looking out for my good and want to get me to what will be ultimately good for me in the end that's just the ways of God His judgments are corrective if you endure them and accept the bad from Him just as easily as you did the good but to those who don't want to accept the bad from God then His judgments are punitive to them

Nola Geoff medical transitioning is only one tool. Critics assume transitioning must include medical interventions. It does not.
But I am not trans nor do I have a trans child, though I have worked with transfolks, youth, and parents - and have friends who also have these experiences. I hear their stories. I see their despair and their joy. It’s good to talk to them to hear where they are coming from.
Additionally, I’ve read a lot of research and opinions both for and against. One size does not fit all.
Transition and care decision-making should fall with the person, the family, the parents in conjunction with their care team.
They should make the decision, and should have all legitimate interventions available to them whether I like it or not. I don’t want someone else’s opinion defining my medical choices; I’m sure they don’t either.
It’s their decision, not mine.
No one can define your allyship but you. Sometimes that means taking hits - just like members of the community do. There is always judgement. I appreciate you are there.

So either you are pro-LGBTQ or anti-LGBTQ? So in order to be pro-LGBTQ to CNN and others you have to agree with 100% of their beliefs. How twisted and closed minded is that?!?!
I, believe in gay marriage, adoption rights, discrimination rights, etc. but I, and 70+% of this country do not believe that minors should be allowed to have cosmetic surgeries and medications and instead should get all the mental health care they need to deal with any LGBTQ issues and the issues it can cause.
But that makes me anti-LGBTQ?
That is how a social movements alienates people and discards loyal and compassionate allies. It will not survives.

Colleen West mean the right loves to turn protests violent

The rightwing boogaloo killed two cops, burned down federal buildings, shot up a police station, and planned blm riots all to fool people into thinking BLM did that.

The boogaloo that shot up the police station even yelled “justice for floyd” as he was doing it.

The boogaloo killed cops for no other reason than to make BLM look bad… does it get more evil than that?

The boogaloo planned blm riots and were charged with domestic terrorism… yes the right planned blm riots.

Who were those grown white men in masks breaking window after window after window during the protests and just walking away? They were the boogaloo
