Missouri governor signs gender-affirming care ban for minors and anti-trans sports bill

Missouri’s Republican Gov. Mike Parson has signed into law two bills targeting the rights of transgender people in the state, including a ban on gender-affirming care for minors and a prohibition on trans women and girls from playing on sports teams that align with their gender.



Ron P Lighthiser Here are some issues with your comment:

1. It makes an overly broad generalization based on anecdotal evidence from "all the comments on this CNN post." Social media comments are not representative of the views of the majority of Americans.

2. There are likely many reasons why certain types of comments may be more prevalent on a social media post, including: selection bias among those who choose to comment, ideological echo chambers that amplify certain perspectives, and brigading from organized groups.

3. Reliable public opinion polling is needed to actually determine what the "majority of America" thinks about a particular bill or policy issue. Anecdotal evidence from social media is not sufficient.

4. Even if the majority of comments on a post favored a certain position, that does not necessarily mean a majority of Americans agree. Many factors influence who chooses to comment and what they say.

5. In summary, making confident claims about what "the majority of America stands with" based solely on highly selective social media anecdotes is misleading and unwarranted.

A more reasonable conclusion would be that:

• The comments on this particular CNN post seem to favor the bill, but...

• Social media comments do not constitute a representative sample of public opinion. Therefore...

• Nothing definitive can be concluded about what the majority of Americans think based solely on these anecdotal comments.

Reliable public opinion polling using rigorous methodology is needed to accurately determine where the weight of public opinion actually lies on an issue. Social media is inherently non-representative and unreliable as a barometer of what "the majority of America" supports.

Thomas Schmidt anarchism is the only philosophy that preserves rights. The only problem with anarchy is it takes a great deal of personal responsibility to implement. The country as a whole lacks that degree of personal responsibility.

As far as "giving voices to"...with anarchy, you are your own voice, your own government...there is no "majority" or "minority". The individual makes their choices as to the path they will follow.

And I do not try to hide the fact that indeed, I do disrespect the democratic process. I will always place the individual above the collective. Why would one care about the thoughts of others as to what one should own, act, drive, etc...? That's not freedom as the US advertises. It's subjugation.

Thomas Schmidt morality is a much better indicator of ethics than following an arbitrarily imposed law. The ability to discern right from wrong is a greater gift than a programmed obedience.

But again, you highlighted what I've already said... democracy is little more than mob rule. You can't seem to understand how anyone could want to live outside what you call "society". Why anyone would want to chart their own path apart from the prevailing winds. To do so is blasphemous and as a whole society just can't stand for it. That's mob rule and also contradicts your statement regarding "lack of concern for those who hold opposing views".

Ethical? Ethics are the core of anarchy. You keep assigning things to anarchy that simply don't exist.

NUMBERS DON’T LIE: Recent study reveals that COVID-19 death toll is higher in Red states The top states by gun death rates are:
Mississippi -- 28.6.
Louisiana -- 26.3.
Wyoming -- 25.9.
Missouri -- 23.9.
Alabama -- 23.6.
Alaska -- 23.5. West Virginia, Wyoming, Tennessee, Kentucky and Oklahoma lead the list of states where the most lives could have been saved by COVID-19 vaccines, while states with higher vaccination rates, such as Washington, D.C., Massachusetts, Puerto Rico, Vermont and Hawaii, showed the lowest numbers of vaccine-preventable deaths. 300,000 US COVID deaths could have been averted through vaccine: Analysis By ARIELLE METROPOLIS May 16, 2022, 2:10 PM ET abcNEWS

Thomas Schmidt I take polls with a grain of salt for all the reasons I noted above. They are inherently flawed. For instance, I've seen online polls attempt to claim validity although you and I both know it's merely a call to either side of an issue to send out emails or messages to their supporters to flood the poll. Paid polling, polling "pools", and the fact that they "poll" a microscopic portion of the population does not give them any credibility.

Their role is to influence. Most of the population are not going to go beyond the headline. Most won't go to the actual pdf of the poll and go through the questions nor check the sample size. That's what those pushing one side or the other count on.

The validity of polls? On another Fbook page (The Hill), not too long ago the headline read "Majority approve of.....". Two posts later the "majority" in another poll (same page) claimed the exact opposite.

Jeff Goodwin Your comparison of gender-affirming care for transgender people to the unethical medical procedures committed by Nazi Germany is inappropriate, offensive, and exhibits a profound lack of understanding.

Gender-affirming care, when deemed medically necessary by legitimate healthcare providers, aims to support the mental and physical wellbeing of transgender individuals in accordance with established medical standards and guidelines.

In contrast, the experiments and "treatments" carried out by Nazi doctors were gross human rights violations motivated by hatred, racism and pseudoscience. They resulted in immense suffering and death.

Comparing the two is absurd and reveals a need for more empathy, information and openness to scientific evidence regarding how best to support transgender people.

Rather than offensive analogies, let's focus the discussion on the legitimate medical, ethical and human rights considerations at stake - acknowledging the needs and dignity of transgender individuals while also weighing the complex factors that go into determining appropriate treatment options.

Thomas Schmidt It is a fad. Do you really think that there are that many people, especially children, who are transgender? No, they are not. These are people and children that are easily being manipulated by the so-called medical experts and their parents looking to score virtual social media points by having their child come out as "trans" and showing how inclusive and tolerant they are. That fact that you are here writing this long comment defending these people proves just how manipulative the media is at getting people to believe that there are this many transgender people out there.
Transgender people do not exist. They are simply people with incredibly low self esteem who think that if they just change their gender that their life will be so much better. Stop trying to be an ally and earn your own virtual social media points.

Duncan Parker I would not recommend making broad generalizations about marginalized groups. Here are some considerations:

• The idea that transgender identity is a "social construct" or "trend" is rejected by major medical and mental health organizations. Research suggests transgender identity has a biological basis and is not driven by social influences.

• The concept of "gender dysphoria" as a mental disorder is now considered stigmatizing. Transgender people themselves prefer the term "gender incongruence."

• While some young people with gender questioning may end up identifying as cisgender, research suggests the majority of transgender adolescents will continue to identify as transgender into adulthood. Early support and care can help reduce distress.

• Transgender people face high rates of discrimination, harassment, and violence. With better understanding, acceptance and social support, the transgender community has become more visible in recent years. This does not mean more people are "becoming transgender" - it means more are able to live openly.

• No reputable medical or mental health organizations consider transgender identity a "trendy cult." The consensus among experts is that transgender identity is a natural variation in human identity and expression.

In summary, while complex issues deserve nuanced discussion, it is important to avoid broadly dismissive characterizations that could promote stigma toward transgender people. Overall the statement could benefit from reconsideration in a more compassionate and fact-based spirit.

Here are some key things to consider regarding Democrats' policies on transgender issues:

1) Most Democrats support expanding legal protections and rights for transgender people. This includes supporting policies like:

• Passing the Equality Act to explicitly prohibit discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation

• Allowing transgender individuals to serve openly in the military

• Ensuring transgender students have access to facilities that match their gender identity

• Providing legal recognition of non-binary gender identities

• Expanding access to gender-affirming healthcare, particularly for minors.

2) Democrats argue these policies are needed to ensure equality, combat discrimination and support the wellbeing of transgender individuals. They emphasize the importance of respecting people's gender identities.

3) Democrats have generally adopted an inclusive and expansive view of gender, embracing the idea that gender is a spectrum and not just binary. This perspective informs their policy stances.

4) However, there are also moderate Democrats who take a more cautious stance on some issues, like access to gender-affirming healthcare for minors. There is debate within the party about how far to take policies affirming non-traditional gender identities.

5) In summary, while Democrats largely support expanding transgender rights and protections, there is a spectrum of opinion within the party - from strongly progressive to moderately cautious.

A balanced assessment would acknowledge both:

• The generally inclusive and affirmative policy stances embraced by most Democrats
• The diversity of views that exist, with some Democrats favoring a more gradual approach on select issues

Overall, Democrats tend to prioritize nondiscrimination, equality and individual rights in their transgender policies, but there are nuances and complexities worth considering beyond broad characterizations.

10ºPat Kousathanas This list of major medical associations opposing legislation that limits gender-affirming care for transgender youth meaningfully contributes to substantive policy discussions in the following ways:

1) It highlights the importance of considering expert medical opinions and guidelines when crafting appropriate policies regarding transgender youth. Appeals to professional consensus carry significant weight and should not be dismissed lightly.

2) The broad range of major associations cited - representing multiple relevant specialties such as family medicine, pediatrics, endocrinology, psychiatry and more - indicates this is not a fringe viewpoint within the medical community. Rather, it reflects the preponderance of expert opinion.

3) The specific associations cited are highly reputable, representing the foremost professional bodies in their respective fields. Their guidelines and policy statements are developed carefully based on scientific evidence and clinical experience.

4) By demonstrating that nearly all major medical organizations oppose bans on gender-affirming care for transgender youth, this list underscores the potential risks of overly restrictive policies, as well as the need to balance various considerations in a proportionate manner that aligns with expert opinion.

5) In summary, this information provides a valuable evidence-based counterpoint to rhetoric that broadly condemns gender-affirming care for transgender youth. It highlights the complexities of these issues and the importance of incorporating expert medical perspectives backed by research and experience when developing ethical, effective policies.

The broad consensus among leading medical associations that bans are unjustified helps reframe debates in a manner that accounts for relevant empirical evidence, encourages proportionality and balance, and ultimately aims to promote the wellbeing of all members of society - especially vulnerable groups.
