Justice Department informs Trump he is target in classified documents probe, sources say | CNN Politics

The DOJ has told Trump he is a target in a classified documents investigation, a sign that prosecutors could be moving closer to an indictment.



Tristis Ward Hillary was put through the wringer?
She used a private server while Sec of State. Many experts believe that server was hacked by our enemies. She deleted and then destroyed 33 thousand subpoenaed emails. She pushed and paid for the fake dossier.
I can go on and on. And what happened to her? Nothing! A complete pass.
Double standards in play and easy to see if you put aside your bias.
And you saying I think Trump is innocent? Laughable.
I never said that at all. I am merely pointing out double standards and hypocrisy.
I even mentioned in my previous comment that I was NOT saying Trump is innocent.

I can hear him now. This is unfair why is the deep state coming after me I'm innocent and have done nothing wrong. This is all a witch hunt I don't know Ivanka and Jared I hardly knew him or spoke to both of them and they were the ones who made the Billions, not me. I'm innocent and I declassified everything in my mind and I was able to do it because I'm POTUS. This is the biggest witch hunt and only my sheep followers will understand that I can sh**t someone on 5th Ave and get away with it because I'm the orange God.

Richard Bannister no CNN has them beat ten fold. Do you still wear your mask? Harris is doing a great job with the southern border. Biden inflation is awesome too. I guess 90 million people are dumb too but we aren't the ones who believe fake news corrupt lies CNN like you. You should take a look in the mirror. Abortion should be optional for people like you the world would be much better. God bless America. The man who wears the Biden mask can't even talk let alone think. War is all over the world under Joe Joe. He's the worst president in the history of humanity. He does more for Ukraine then America who let's boys use girls bathrooms or let's them play women's sports. Pedophiles that's who. Epsteins best friend Joe pedo biden.

Brian Blumfield The double standard in place is that Trump was given EIGHTEEN MONTHS to comply with a law he was defying.
YOU try that. I dare you. Trump has been given preferential treatment over and over. But he plays the victim each and every time, regardless of that.
Biden was treated no differently than Trump. Clinton was put through the wringer. If Trump had been treated like Clinton was treated there'd be nonstop howls from the lot of you.

The hypocrisy is in ignoring the preferential treatment and claiming that he's being unfairly treated EVEN THOUGH you think he's not innocent.

Chris Clingan I keep it simple there’s a law called the presidential records act this law doesn’t have a criminal penalty but does require the former president return all documents. To enforce the law all they do is ask for them back and it’s no big deal. Trump did not cooperate. So then they got a subpoena , now Trump is legally required to return them. Again he did not comply. So then they established probable cause that a crime has been committed that Trump had documents and was in noncompliance with the presidential records act and the subpoena. This allowed them to get a search warrant and seize the evidence. The charges are simple . Contempt for noncompliance of the subpoena. Obstruction for tampering with evidence. Also very possible espionage. If any of those documents contain information related to national security and the DOJ establishes criminals intent in Trump possessing them. What’s so hard to understand

Drayton Rowe
see that? All the signs are right in your post:
"nothing but accusations"
He's been facing charges. While lots of them are civil and result in no jail time, he still loses.
Judges decisions have meant he's no longer allowed to run a charitable foundation. That's because he was FOUND to have abused it. Not an accusation, a finding.
His lawyer went to prison for the crime he's on trial for in NY right now. He was convicted. There was an unnamed co-conspirator attached to that charge. Why not named? Because he was a sitting president. So, his position got him a reprieve, but it was a conviction, not an accusation.

"…try to keep him down."
That's straight-up martyr complex right there. Being charged with crimes after a judicial process isn't being "kept down" it's accountability. He has a right to a fair trial. No trial is an attempt to keep him down.

"Democrats are good at that"
It's pretty bonkers that Trump and his followers redefine literally every. single. individual or group who doesn't cater to him to be a "never-Trumper" "RINO" or a Democrat.
That's a denial tactic.
It's not rational. These are all different prosecutors and investigators. There's a strong likelihood that several are GOP and might have voted for Trump. But they do. their. job. and that's not "keeping him down."

All those things you spew are just more mantras. Nonsense.

A constant dip of alleged leaks, after leak , after leak from unnamed Democrat operatives ….. if true these leaks are illegal…..
CNN not only aiding and abetting …. these crimes….. but using this allegedly information to daily attack a Presidential candidate with panels of biased Anti-Trump paid talking heads, with constant opinions and Democrat propaganda based in the usual smear and innuendo claiming potential crimes have occurred.

Lest we forget BIG LIE of the FAKE Trump Russia Collusion……. The Big Fat Russian Nothing Burger promoted by CNN for years.

So; CNN constantly uses these same unnamed sources, to leak Political Propaganda , while enabling the law breakers to provide then with illegal information.

Meanwhile Biden Inc information resulting from over 100 international banking transactions…. Flagged as suspicious financial tractions ….. over 100….. All while Hunter Biden is allegedly a target of a Grand Jury Investigation …… and all while a highly respected FBI verified informant previously had reported that a 5 million bride involving VP Biden …… yet CNN is silent…. No constant leaks, no panels full of Democrat or Republican talking heads, no smear…. No innuendo…. No CNN conspiracy theories of potential alternative crimes by the Biden’s many family members seen to have received money into personal bank accounts , potentially laundering money! , through multiple shell companies….

Yet Nothing, silence from CNN ….
This is CNN ️️️️️️

CNN "Truth Deniers":
The "conspiracy theories" regarding January 6 were "debunked" during the Impeachment Trial cross examination.
A few examples of many follow. Note that Jamie Raskin got caught doctoring evidence and he was later on the J6 Committee:
1. "You have to get your people to fight" precisely at:
2. "Fight like hell" precisely at:
3. Democrat House Managers manipulating videos precisely at:
4. Jamie Raskin (on the later J6 Committee TV Show) getting CAUGHT doctoring evidence precisely at:
Many more examples are on the web site at:
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