Fact check: Trump boasts about a massive oil purchase that never happened

Donald Trump claimed in a television interview that he not only purchased 75 million barrels of oil for the national Strategic Petroleum Reserve but did so for a remarkably low price.



Lim Tan Tucker was taken off the air because he discussed the pharmaceutical industry, global warming scam, the governments handling of Covid, exposed corrupt politicians, talked about the Jan 6 tapes. Things that you aren’t allowed to question. When was Hunter Biden investigated? Why did all the media call his laptop Russian disinformation? Tell me about Jared Kuschner receiving Money from the Saudis. Why is that not being investigated? Why aren’t they investigating Ivan’s for receiving money from China? If there is a smoking gun on impropriety that went on with Trumps family? You seem to be an expert on this. Tell me more.

Lim Tan So can you name an instance where Tucker backed up any of the cheating accusations against Dominion? You can't because he didn't. Russian collusion was a lie. Hunter Bidens laptop has not been dealt with. Can you imagine if Don Jr. had a laptop where he was smoking crack with hookers? Can you imagine Don Jr. having a laptop that can link his father to actual quid pro quo? Speaking of defamation suits. Do you remember that CNN settled with Nick Sandman for the Covington High School lies? You know where CNN and MSNBC said those kids were harassing a native American and he wasn't. You are a blue anon cultist.

Kevin Woodward see there's the problem. The Russian collusion was proven to be true! Do you not read anything or listen to anything but fox fake news? The Republican controlled foreign relations committee in 2018 stated unequivocally that Trump's election staff had colluded with Russian agents. Every investigation since then has shown the same thing! The muller report said that Trump was guilty as sin, but that the appropriate place to discipline him was in the congress. As he was a sitting president. The House of Representatives did their job, but the senate failed miserably then and then 2 years later after they failed again in an attempt at revolution. Did you not see how many of Trump's election staff he pardoned at the end of his term. Multiple people from multiple parts of his administration were in jail for criminal acts. Try again.
