Mother of 6-year-old who shot teacher will plead guilty to federal felony charges in deal with prosecutors

The mother of a 6-year-old boy who shot his first-grade teacher in Virginia will plead guilty to federal felony charges as part of a deal with prosecutors, her attorney said.


Natalie Lemmon I’m snarky? That’s hilarious.

First of all, why should it matter what the kid’s disability is? Why do you care?

Secondly, maybe he has autism or something with anger issues and it requires a parent present.

Thirdly, the parent is at fault for not being responsible and showing up for 3 days. And the kid shouldn’t be a talking point.

So to recap, the parent failed that school and that teacher. I hope that teacher gets money and retires. And I hope that kid gets help.

You are blaming the disability/child. And not holding the parent accountable. I think that speaks volumes about you.

Please have the day you deserve. And that’s me now being snarky.

Shmuly Zuriel I didn't ask for an essay, nor was I required to write one about the way I feel about the entire article by commenting. I never said who I felt who was at fault and don't care about your feelings. Where I live trained professionals are hired to work with kids with all sorts of different abilities.
***So to recap, I asked, "What kind of disability requires a parent to attend school?" (Because I had never heard of that in our school district, not that it doesn't exist). That's not blaming a kid for anything. Stop making assumptions, and have they day you deserve!

Gather 'round the campfire, 'cause it's time to tell a story from a long time ago...

"Hear me, people: We have now to deal with another race---small and feeble when our fathers first met them, but now great and overbearing. Strangely enough they have a mind to till the soil and the love of possession is a disease with them. These people have made many rules that the rich may break but the poor may not. They take their tithes from the poor and weak to support the rich and those who rule."

~Chief Sitting Bull, speaking at the Powder River Conference in 1877

Here is proof that cnn is fake news and media marketing propaganda on race.

In this article, cnn hides from the headline that this mother was black because she was part of the crime in shooting and would draw attention to her race as bad mother.

But in this article link, posted just hours earlier, cnn exposes in headlines the mother’s race was black because she was a victim in shooting, baiting readers immediate attention as innocent black mother.

Cnn does this all day everday. Their narrative is expose race if victim and hide race if criminal to troll and brainwash social media to incite hate, violence and racism.

As we can see, cnn is fake news media propaganda and plays the racial card in headlines that fits their narrative to market and incite racism.

Derek Schott Arming teachers? I'm not totally opposed to the idea, as a teacher, but doubt the Right will help fund this.

First, find credible sources saying that arming teachers will solve more problems than it will create. I haven't been able to find any.

A. Here are some reasons showing why this isn't the great solution some say it will be. You can see the source for each incident.


B. We know the Right isn't known for funding public education well. Why do you think they'll support funding for arming teachers?

Find evidence showing how the Right plans to help fund the arming of teachers. Who will pay for the training itself? Who will pay for the substitutes needed to cover classes while this training occurs? (A Tx. program requires 80 hours of training.) If not during a school day, who will pay the teachers for doing this outside of school hours? Who will purchase the guns and ammo? Who will pay for gun maintenance? Who will maintain the guns? Will additional insurance costs be involved? Who will pay for that?

C. Professional armed guards have proven to not be a consistent deterrent to school shooters, so why would Mrs. Sally, the preschool teacher, be more likely to deter or take down a shooter? A simple case study of the Parkland or Sante Fe tragedies sufficiently shows that the arming guards/teachers is an insufficient plan.

Some staff at Covenant in Nashville were armed. That didn't deter the shooter.

You can't look at school shooters the same way you look at most other criminals. A bank robber, for example, intends to walk away alive but many school shooters do not. Therefore, school shooters aren't as easily deteted. Again, Parkland and Sante Fe come to mind. They were known to have armed guards. One hid.

D. Uvalde had their own school police force. How did that work out? They didn't deter the shooter, who had attended school there before and who expected an officer to be there. Eventually, 370 officers from various agencies eventually showed up and did nothing for over 70 minutes while the shooter terrorized children and teachers in multiple classrooms, including my friend's loved ones. The officers not only stood outside the room doing nothing for over an hour, they also blocked streets and prevented ambulances from accessing the school. School busses that were closer transported injured students to hospitals. The officers even told a medievac chopper to not land at the school because there wasn't room. (There are large fields around the school.)

E. How exactly do you envision the armed teachers responding to an active shooter scenario? Do you want them to leave their students alone to go pursue the shooter? Do you want them to have a safe in their room to access the gun? Do you want them to wait by the door for the intruder to enter? (By the way, in all my research, I never found an instance where an active shooter completely breached a locked classroom door. Teachers should keep their doors completely closed and locked during class.) Where is the research about strategies?

F. Also, doesn't arming teachers nationwide seem like a conflict of interest considering how the gun industry funds Republican campaigns?

G. Again, I'm not opposed to the idea, but I don't see the Right following through with this plan, just like they don't follow through with the mental health plan. They often blame mass shootings on mental health issues but then often cut funding for mental services. Both parties would need to support this plan to sustain funding for it.

If the Right supported their "solutions" to school shootings this would be different, but when it comes down to it they usually just offer, "Thoughts and Prayers." While those are important, action is also required. There are many examples in the Bible where God required action before He intervened. ex. Moses and his staff
