Record-breaking Golden Knights take dominant lead in Stanley Cup

The Vegas Golden Knights scored early and often in a dominant offensive display in Game 2, defeating the Florida Panthers 7-2 to take a 2-0 lead in the Stanley Cup.


Scott Whitmore Two points. One, professional sports are not the sports, they are the BUSINESSES of rich, predominantly White, people. Two, with the exception of FIFA football, big dollar "professional sports" are an American invention and it is the American dollar which draws elite athletes to the US. That is a fact, not a cultural opinion against the US (note that the non-Europeans flocking to Europe to play footie are not drawn by the culture either but by the money. The only way in which an Amercian would suggest that they are coming to "better their lives" is to measure their paychecks, the "American way".
None of which contradicts what I said about the makeup of the NHL or the inclinations of Bettman.

Kaitlan L. Collins
Kaitlan Collins
,Dana Bash, Jake Tapper
CNN CNN Producers on Town Hall/Pence
Re : Town Hall with Pence and DeSantis 2024 :
The next interview of this
Round of Knockout Matches being Mike Pence
Who Participated in all the
Corruption under Trump Pence is unfit and untrustworthy as he also dabbled in Experimental Medicines through his Medical Companies using tax payers money to run this killing people as all these medical products and devices did not work.
With no proof of any pandemic which Pence knew this.
Fire and Fury one of the books in my Book club illustrates on page 226
How Pence was in the Oval Office and described how the Russians saw an opportunity being a Free Pass into Ukraine because
Trump was weak and took the opportunity to invade Ukraine continuing under weak Biden. Trump said in
Fire and Fury He had a man crush on Putin leaving the Republican party horrified at his woke and strange behaviour displaying the same cognitive disturbing behaviour as Biden.
On January 7th Pence was Caught on Footage shaking Trumps hand and smiling a day after the January 6th termed insurrection.
It's all about trust and just like Hayley and through, Pence Actions shows he cannot be trusted because
Pence said he is a man of action and few words When Pence s actions are of a corrupt nature.
On page 99 of Fire and Fury describes How Pence knew all about Trump before Working for him
Of Trump's Bankrupt Businesses and Dirty Deals. And Pence Participated doing exactly what Trump did.
In every speech Pence said.
I bring greetings from Donald Trump because Pence said Trump was too dumb to do this is Which
Pence told a crowd that's
Why he was sent by Trump. Which again was said in Sean Hannity s Studio which they both agreed what is wrong with this xxxxxxx man referring to Trump.
Yet Pence never resigned and was a party to all this can never be trusted.
The Question. Why did Pence not resign?
Having known all this and being documented.
There is only one man that can save Bankrupt America because only this man is trusted by leaders around the world and that is Ron DeSantis.
Ron DeSantis is the only leader that has the skills and Trust of World Leaders as we see in his
Overseas Tour recently signing over 50: Trade deals for Florida shows how trust is earned and Ron DeSantis. Has done just that.
#DeSantis .
Governor Ron DeSantis
Ron DeSantis
Casey DeSantis
Team DeSantis .
