The Arctic may be sea ice-free in summer by the 2030s, new study warns

The Arctic could be free of sea ice roughly a decade earlier than projected, scientists warn – another clear sign the climate crisis is happening faster than expected.


Keith Van Nort
Simply talking about how much pollution a country releases is misinformation. It's useless because that's not how we can know where we are. Of course, countries like India and China which have more than 1.4 billion inhabitants will produce a lot of pollution, but it is at the individual level that we have to look. The next time you say that falsehood again like you wrote, at least you'll know you're cheating.

Looking at the pollution per capita by country, there we have the real pollution emitted.

USA: 16.1
Russia: 12.1
China: 8.0
India: 1.9

USA: 19.4
Russia: 9.9
China: 2.9
India: 1.0

Sohn T Collum okay but who do you consider 'they'?

You mentioned AL Gore in a previous comment that I can see. Yet this CNN article is about a published study by Seung Ki-Minn, a professor from Pohang University of Science and Technology. Seung is a type of person who dedicates their lives to this sort of research and you're going to dismiss their studies why again? What experience do you have to so ignorantly discredit the finding of scientists that have absolutely no influence over USA, which is where I'm assuming you live.

If you want to dismiss AL Gores warnings from the early 2000s, that's fine. However this article has absolutely nothing to do with him and you should recognize that before publicly voicing your ignorance.

Daniel Scargall how can you support this party?
I did because my mother told me when I was growing up…

Vote for Democrats.
-We supported slavery. We support Margaret Sanger and her cleansing of a certain race. We opposed the civil rights movement. We supported the Tunguskee experiment.
We support a politicized Justice Department, just like the Gestapo. We don’t support parental rights. Children should be able to identify as the feel and help them obtain puberty blockers and transitioning without their parents consent. We support the LGBTQ and their sexual preferences in our schools. We feel that books in Florida that contain pedophilia such as “Lawn Boy” and “Gender Queer,” should be readily accessible to children of all ages.
That’s the Democratic Party for you.

There is no Quantitative empirical evidence that the current warming is caused by the rise of greenhouse gases from man’s activity. Warmer periods of the Earth’s history came around 800 years before rises in CO2 levels.The end of the world due to climate change has been around at least since the late 60’s. We were all going freeze to death before 1980 due to a false prediction of an ice age coming. The predictions of the first IPCC report were all wrong so in the absence of data they latched on to every heatwave or tornado like it was a harbinger of doom. Climate change is real but as we don’t know what the normal baseline actually is and there are too many unknown variables to model effectively we just don’t know. The science of what determines the earth’s temperature is in fact far from settled or understood. The IPCC claims climate driven “impacts on biodiversity are significant and of key relevance” but those claims are simply not supported by scientific research.

Daniel Scargall perhaps you don’t understand History? The Republican Party was founded to end slavery. Is that wrong?
Margaret Sanger (planned parenthood) was a proud member of the Democratic Party. Would you like to hear her own words? The Democratic Party did experiment on blacks. -The Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male was a study conducted between 1932 and 1972 by the United States Public Health Service and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on a group of nearly 400 African American men with syphilis.
Which citation would you like me to start with the Republican Party?

We have been thawing since the ice age. Even if the US went all green tomorrow it would only be a 13% decrease in carbon emissions. That means 87% still. They have said the same thing since the 50s and yet here we are. All because the govt tells us it’s happening. Meanwhile politicians are making a killing on their stocks in the “go green” products. If coal is soooo bad, why not stop selling our coal to foreign countries. Then we could control the carbon footprint better. But that doesn’t play into the playbook correctly. Our govt wants us at their mercy by shutting down all of our factories and making it to where we all live off of their “handouts”. It is all govt control. Just taken a while to get everyone to believe their hype.

Rick Whitten absolutely nothing it won’t change anything at all … and there isn’t anyone that can say they know what will happen… Nobody can give a temperature decrease or increase number… and it won’t effect the weather events either … they can tell you it will cost over 50 trillion dollars to try and get there tho …. And when you say that’s BS. I’ll refer you to the most recent climate change hearing we just had … and just look up the exchange between senator Kennedy from Louisiana and the world’s leading climate expert…. They you can answer again if you’d like

Sohn T Collum : Governments could make big impacts on climate change without adding new taxes or spending lots of money. Simply impose a gradually increasing tax on the carbon content of all fossil fuels and then rebate 100% of the tax as a monthly stipend to all citizens equally. No net tax collected, no net spending.

That would put us all in competition with each other to be more efficient or to use alternative energy. If you used the average amount, you would pay exactly the same as with no tax. If I save and you waste, then you are paying me.

This would stimulate the production of efficient devices and alternative energy without subsidies.

I don’t know if you understand why i am here but i am here to hopefully spark you interest in the bible and the Quran so that hopefully you let Jesus Christ into your heart so hopefully you start to build a relationship with God. First give all you fears and worries to God and trust that God will provide and peace and comfort are sure to follow. I was doing drugs, stealing and getting into fights but somwhere in between all that I found Jesus Christ in my heart and somewhere in between that i truly understand my purpose is to do the will of Jesus Christ Father in Heaven and hopefully my positive affirmations lead you on your own Journey hopefully finding you purpose
