Merck sues US government over new Medicare drug price negotiation program

The pharmaceutical company Merck sued the US government over a law passed last year that empowers Medicare to negotiate prices of certain medications.


George Kerber no, I just understand that the US Constituion (as written) provides the government the authority to regulate commerce. Per the 5th amendment (i.e. amendment to the original intent of the constitution) they only have to provide "just compensation", so as part of regulating commerce they are legally allowed to make laws allowing medicare to negotiate drug prices (i.e. to regulate commerce by defining what "just compensation" for a medication actually is, and enforcing that compensation level as law. As this is a specific part of the Constition (i.e. included in the original articles before even the "amendments" were created) it is definitely a foundation of the are Republic that was created, unless you feel the Foundation of the US Government is Marxism.

The insanity with health care in America, particularly in Florida, has got to stop! My daughter lost her life in a Florida hospital on 3/22/23. I quickly learned that Florida is the "Free Kill" state. Ron DeSantis fully supports this law and attempted to pass a bill in March/April 2023 to extend it to restrict further Floridians from EQUAL ACCESS to the Florida legal system. Because my daughter had just turned 25, was not yet married, and did not have children, she is considered a "Free Kill". I have no right to the legal system to hold the hospital and doctors accountable. This has been a "Florida problem" for years and I am told it will take national awareness for it to ever change. If you could give this your voice and help to raise awareness, it would help more than words can express, CNN

Mary Kimberlin Miller the population of the US is around 360 million people. Whats the population of the countries they mentioned. Not anywhere close to that. Canada is only about 50 million. If you don't think that's a factor you aren't too bright. The article mentions chronic diseases. Let's see, obesity would be a contributor to that and why don't you Google how many Americans are obese and have other comorbidity factors that result in lower life expectancy. You can spend all you want but if the individual doesn't take responsibility to live a healthy lifestyle no amount of money will make a difference. It's called personal responsibility. Like I said, if you don't like it here, move.

Matthew Fell Matty, you need to do some research. You realize that before the US entered WW 2 they provided Russia billions in much needed resources and Stalin himself said Russia would have never been able top beat Germany without our assistance. Only a Capitalist nation can do what the US did, and don't forget, we fought 2 world wars on opposite sides of the globe........................................Even before the United States entered World War II in December 1941, America sent arms and equipment to the Soviet Union to help it defeat the Nazi invasion. Totaling $11.3 billion, or $180 billion in today’s currency, the Lend-Lease Act of the United States supplied needed goods to the Soviet Union from 1941 to 1945 in support of what Stalin described to Roosevelt as the “enormous and difficult fight against the common enemy — bloodthirsty Hitlerism.”

400,000 jeeps & trucks
14,000 airplanes
8,000 tractors
13,000 tanks
1.5 million blankets
15 million pairs of army boots
107,000 tons of cotton
2.7 million tons of petrol products
4.5 million tons of food
