Car flies in the air after hitting tow truck ramp

A driver survived with serious injuries after hitting a tow truck ramp off a highway in Georgia. Police were on scene for another crash when bodycam video captured the moment.


Some are placing all the blame on the tow truck, and maybe he should have done something differently…that said, when you approach a scene with several police vehicles even in the oncoming lane, you slow down and pay attention. The driver clearly did not. I disagree with those who say the tow truck wouldn’t somehow be visible…its an obstacle on the road like any other. It could have been debris from the accident or any number of hazards that sit in the road at an accident site.

Straight road, daylight hours, police lights flashing…no reasonable driver barrels through those conditions like its invisible.

Death trap!! Pause the video and look that tow truck with its ramp down is blending into the road. On a highway! Dead stopped! Ppl aren't use to dodging objects like that that aren't moving while traveling at a high speed its not like passing a moving car. You need to have cones down and close the lane! It will happen 10/10 times if a good amount of people are tested by the death trap. Just takes someone to look away for a moment and it's too the police cars would be distracting. Highways ppl driving long distance at high speed they are going to zone out a bit sometimes that's why they take extra caution ️ with cones over a long enough distance to slowly close the lane!!!

Patrick John Florendo lol if you are not speeding or driving at night there should be no issue with seeing the road and what’s on it. I don’t care if you think the ramp is invisible there’s a giant red tow truck directly behind it so let’s say they didn’t see the ramp just to humor you… so they are driving down the road and see a tow truck but not the ramp and decide to just smash into the back of the tow truck? Or is the giant tow truck invisible in this pic invisible too? I would love to see what the insurance adjuster had to say, probably that the driver is at fault. I find it hard to believe they would park a tow truck or it’s ramp on the passing lane.

In the realm of politics, where tensions reside, Two figures emerged, their paths intertwined. Biden and McCarthy, an unlikely pair, Found common ground, showing true statesmanship rare.

The budget ceiling loomed, a challenge so vast, A partisan divide, threatening progress to last. But these patriots, with wisdom and grace, Set aside differences, seeking a common place.

Compromise became their guiding light, A beacon of hope, shining ever so bright. They set aside ego, put country above all, Understanding that progress required a call.

May this act of unity, this bridge they have built, Serve as a precedent, where divides are rebuilt. For in compromise lies the seed of success, An opportunity for greatness to caress.

Let it become a trend, a wave that will grow, Leading to accomplishments that all will know. In the halls of power, let voices unite, To overcome challenges, to find what is right.

For true patriotism is not just about might, But the willingness to find common sight. To put differences aside, in pursuit of the best, To uplift the nation, through each given test.

Let us celebrate Biden and McCarthy's accord, Their compromise, a testament adored. May it inspire others to follow their lead, For in unity and compromise, we find the seed.

A seed of progress, of a brighter tomorrow, Where we rise above division, above sorrow. May it be a turning point in our nation's story, A step towards greatness, a path to glory.

Patrick John Florendo well… here is the rule… we need to see who had the responsibility of last clearance of avoidance. If you watch it carefully, there were multiple emergency vehicles with lights on and the wrecked vehicle from previous accident was in the middle of grass area where the tow truck was trying to pull the wrecked vehicle out. Therefore, we can safely assume that the tow truck was parked there to assist the law enforcement which makes it part of emergency crews. Secondly, it was during the daytime, so we can safely assume that the driver had at least 100 ft visibility in front of him or her; therefore, the dukes of hazzard had the last chance to avoid the accident. Judging from how this vehicle launched, this vehicle was traveling very fast on 2 lane highway. So, please dont try to make excuses for reckless drivers. In Georgia, you always have to slow down and move over to other lanes when you see emergency vehicles ahead. It’s called “move over law”.

It states “A. The operator of a motor vehicle approaching a stationary authorized emergency vehicle that is displaying flashing yellow, amber, white, red, or blue lights shall approach the authorized emergency vehicle with due caution and shall, absent any other direction by a peace officer, proceed as follows:
1. Make a lane change into a lane not adjacent to the authorized emergency vehicle if possible in the existing safety and traffic conditions; or
2. If a lane change under paragraph (1) of this subsection would be impossible, prohibited by law, or unsafe, reduce the speed of the motor vehicle to a reasonable and proper speed for the existing road and traffic conditions, which speed shall be less than the posted speed limit, and be prepared to stop.”
