Alabama governor signs bill placing limits on transgender athletes in college sports

Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey signed a bill barring transgender athletes at public colleges and universities from competing in sports that align with their gender identities.


My husband was acting strange again then he left me so I decided to leave then I found Dr Edible online I explain everything to him he told me to send his picture and full name then I did o he told me I should hold on that he will be back, then he came and said that my husband loves me but there is a woman who is trying to separate our relationship that is why he cast a spell on my husband but now we are living happy life once again thanks Dr Edible if you are also in a situation I advise you to dm.

Pat McGovern I’m not a republican, so I’m not sure if this will satisfy your query. I don’t really care what one consenting adult does with their own body, however, there are hormones differences between biological males and biological females, most organizations have rules regarding using steroids for a competitive advantage.

If a biological male has changed their gender to a woman and is competing in women sports that person can have hormones levels akin to a biological female that is taking steroids for a competitive advantage.

I don’t think it is fair to allow a biological male who identifies as a woman to play in women sports while simultaneously denying biological females the ability to chemically enhance their competitive edge.

For example the current raw bench press world record for women is 457lbs

My personal best is 445, for my weight class it is on the low end of what would be considered competitive in power lifting competitions, I might place in a small local powerlifting competition but I would have difficulty in anything larger than that.

It does make sense for an organization who will police the use of PEDs to also take steps with trans athletes to ensure fair and competitive play within the sport.

As the why the left and right bicker about such things doesn’t make sense to me.

A male who has had the benefit of puberty and then transitioned to become and identify as being female can not seriously expect that they are equal to a woman who is a woman. I do not question an individuals right to identify with whatever gender they feel they are and go through the journey to modify their sexual organs to better identify to who he she or they think they are. But not unlike the special Olympics you wouldn't place an amputee against a wheel chair user. Accommodations in sport should be made that places men transitioned to women and women transitioning to men have their categories. Men who have transitioned to women demolishing womens worlds records says it all. Be who you want to be i have zero problem with that. Even horse racing has checks and balances. Weight is added to horses to equalise their advantages. I'm a dude who identifies as a woman should have their category. I'm a woman who identifies as a man have your category. Men transitioned to woman you have your category. Women transitioned to men you have your category. Be who you want to be. But come on get in your lane. If that's a lane of one it was your choice.
