NASA team to issue report on unidentified phenomena in July | CNN

NASA has long been tasked with finding life elsewhere.


Derrick Anthony you are looking at the problem from our limitations as humans, but there are beings so far advanced that we can’t comprehend what they are capable of doing.. imagine humans in 500,000yrs.. we’d be so advanced that things that now seems impossible will all be possible. And there are extraterrestrials that are over a million years more advanced. Yeah wormholes are just one way to look at the problem, but there are multi dimensional beings, who can exist on different dimensions of reality. We are stuck in this 3rd dimensional matrix. Check out congressional hearings on ufo’s. Check out finger prints of the gods by Graham hancook, and the 12th planet by Zecharia Sitchins. These are just few of these mysteries that we have totally ignored, our history would show you why and how they got here 1000s of years ago.. I don’t wanna keep writing but I got research materials I could recommend to help you fathom some of these things.

#ETgroanHome NASA to issue report on Unexplained Flying Objects but most findings are inconclusive. CNN News. 1st June 2023

Perhaps diverse police supervisors and Diverse Unelected government UK are looking for a distraction from losing 40% of regional airlines Flybe Airlines by emissions Law they made.

Flybe Airlines Teddy could be missing but cheap, free alien UFO's could prop up the surveillance grid for looking after UK nuclear tech like non airport Plymouth base. Perhaps diverse police UK have learnt their language.

That would save a lot of cash and get free news without looking for weapons and drugs Sterility, low driver pass and departure rates being compared to Africa developing nations with natural disasters and war, yet.

As a cost cutting public relations exercise, this could work to take people away from diverse Nuclear weapons against Russia for free fuel for electric power stations. By now the Russia diverse are probably in on it.

And the Alienz, they probably want more than 1960s technology of rockets. They also expect PLUS for development of ideas by each generation not devolution.
And the Alienz are expecting people to come up with their own Piloted aircraft and space craft, not revert to walking by law.

E.T. the Extra Terrestrial only has short legs so running is difficult and Space Ships better. China has a Spy Balloon on the matter but UK fired a Virgin Orbit satellite launch Missile at the debate.

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အ'လို ဘ'အာကာသ ထ' သံ သံလုံး သံ ေချာင်း ယူသာွး့ရင် သံ က ေလ န့'ထိပြဳး ကမ်ဘာ ေမြကြဳး ထက် ဖြတ်တာ အဆ ေပါင်းများစွာ သာလွန်တယ် သံ က ေလထ'မှ သံအမှုန် အမွှား သံ စ iron particle
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ေလ ထ' ေပျာက် သွားတယ် သံ သံ ေချာင်း က ေလ အာကာ သထ'မှ ေလ ကမ်ဘာ လုံးကြဳး အပြင်ဘက် ထွက်ရင် ေလ လူ ေတွက ပျံ ေနတယ်
မြန်မာ က ေအာက် ေခြလွတ် ေနတယ်
ေခြ ေထာက်န့' ေမြကြဳး မထိ သလို ဘ' ပျံ ေနတယ် ယာဥ်ပျံ ထ'မှ ေလ
1985 ေလာက် က ေပြာပြတာပါ
10နှစ်သား ေလာက်က ေပြာပြတာပါ
ေရှာင်လင် သံ ဖိနပ် သိုင်း တစ်ရန် 10 ေပါင် ေသချာ ထုတ်ပိုး သွားရတယ် သံ ကို ေလ န့' ထိ လို့ မရဘူး သံ ကို ေလန့'ထိရင် သံက စား သွားတယ် ေလ
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