The global economy has likely been spared a US debt default. It still faces a mountain of risks | CNN Business

"There is already evidence that economic growth is stuttering in the United States and China — the world’s number one and two economies," writes Hanna Ziady | Analysis


Josh Lehr I have a GREAT education, a great job, a six figure income and I earned every bit of it. I owe nobody anything, anymore than anyone owes you anything. If you want it, go earn it like a man. Nobody owes you . By the way, genius, you people who throw around the "ubbadubbabubbdubba ubbadubbabubbdubba bubbadubbabubba 1%," nonsense have no clue how absurd your self projection is do you? Do you have the slightest understanding that to the rest of the world, YOU are a part of the 1%? Use that for some perspective before stepping foot back onto your false sanctamonial perch.

Let’s make every consuming product that exist in the USA . 350 million people plus inmigrants are living in the US now .
We have the power , the technology, the people to work .️️
No more made in China products . Now let’s make .
Everything Made in the USA again ️️️no more China or India or Mexico or Thailand or Indonesia . They become big and then they want to destroy America . Screw them .
Plus there are Plenty homeless people willing to work in the US . Let give them a job too .
C’mon . There are plenty empty factories around to refill them again .
This country can come back . All US brands must come back to the US and make America great again ️️I have faith in the people of this land .
Don’t disappoint me