Fertility rates dip, women are having babies later: The state of birth rates in the US | CNN

Birth rates have declined in most states across the US in recent years, while women are having babies at an older age



Peter Ramaglia
No one thinks a man can carry a baby!
a woman that looks like a man can carry a baby, but no man has tried. And this is just straight up gibberish and your opinion. The birth rate has been dropping off for the last 20 years. $226.00 a week for one kid in daycare.$694/week for a nanny. Starting rates 600.00 a month or more for family health insurance. On top of home insurance, car insurance, and mortgage.
Generation X and the millennial, are the generations of don't have children you can't afford! Have a career before family planning. Like the article says we aren't just having less, we are waiting later as well. Career comes 1st.

The corrupt capitalist system is making the corrupt bourgeoisie that controls the government and justice system control the urban parts. Most of the citizens are being displaced from the urban areas with the control of the abandoned properties that are being given to them at bargain prices for them to increase and obtain riches in a shameless way. The lie of capital and money. When did the first settlers arrive who had money? BS money was the false to control lps resources in society. The lands of the landowners and the poor and the slaves alleged business aid and lands that belong to the master