Weight-loss meds like Ozempic may help curb addictive behaviors, but drugmakers aren’t running trials to find out

“It’s like someone’s just come along and switched the light on, and you can see the room for what it is." Many people taking Ozempic and similar drugs for weight loss say they’ve also noticed an effect on their interest in addictive behaviors like smoking and alcohol.



Alice Danescu yeah, I find a lot of doctors know the medication is good and it works, but they haven’t done the research to really properly advise patients.

My dad started ozempic for T2D when ozempic first came on the market. Omg he got so sick. His doctor didn’t advise him that he really needed to listen when his body said stop eating. He kept eating the same large portions, and it didn’t go well.

He tried again a couple of years later, with better advice, and it’s gone fantastic.

I’m not a doctor, but there are many medications similar to these on the market that work similarly. You may tolerate one of those more easily, and you may find a better experience now that you’ve made dietary changes as well. Again, not a doctor, but just something you may want to consider discussing in the future.

As for the long term/lifelong thing, T2D also means lifelong medication for most people. For many folks, it’s one or the other. That’s just how I look at it.

Alice Danescu it’s definitely a long term treatment, and I’m sorry your doctor didn’t explain that to you before starting you on the medication.

Some side effects are not uncommon on the loading dose (2.5mg), but most patients see those resolve. There are some people who just tolerate the medication well at all, which is true of most medications.

With the constipation, most physicians recommend trying it with Miralax or similar on board. As for the heartburn, it may also be related to how the medication interacts with certain foods.

I’m thankful that it’s worked incredibly well for me. It’s even resolved most of issues with IBS-D, as well as reduced my overall inflammation and water retention.

Ian Griffiths It’s normal to have hunger when losing weight, because you’re in a caloric deficit. The body is consuming less calories than it is burning, which results in weight loss. It really comes down to determination and how bad you want it. I’ve done cut phases/weight loss. The hunger is part of the process, however, to stay in control of it, people must prioritize protein! Protein not only keeps muscle/builds muscle it also helps with appetite. lifting weights is great, especially for women, women lose muscle quicker than men as women age. (Sorry I just realized youre a guy lol - but this muscle is important for everyone. And you’re in good shape for your age). It just depends how lean someone would like to look, but ultimately exercise is good for your overall health (muscle, bone health, hormones, etc) not just appearance.

Tom Thibideau, yes it is but clearly Ozempic is the preferred drug, I don't know if there's a difference in price. Here in Sweden there's still a shortage, I was lucky enough to get my hands on a couple months worth of Ozempic but it's a matter of checking the nat'l register of pharmacies every week and hurry to a pharmacy if it happens to have any in stock. Our version of the FDA says the shortage is expected to last all year, my diabetes nurse told me the manufacturer is building a new factory to increase production but that obviously takes time.

Scott Jackson, no. Sweden has a system for prescription meds, you pay a deductable but then nothing under a 12 month period. Så, while Ozempic is expensive up until the deduction is paid, after that it costs me zero because we have a tax system that makes that work. I'm now paid up until some time in October, I'm also wondering how a shipping from the US would handle the fact that Ozempic should be refrigerated until it's opened and then be in room temp 30 days at the most?

It's not as easy as you seem to think. Good for you that you could afford to order it otc, I can't. You do realize that it's because of that, that diabetics can't get access to a med we need? Btw I have a friend in the US who also had a problem getting the med so... I'm happy for her and other diabetics that the shortage is at an end in the US, Europé isn't as fortunate. Our FDA says the shortage will last all year.

Leave it to people to always want to take shortcuts in life and not put in the effort. There’s no secret cheat code to weight-loss. It’s simply diet and exercise, both of which will not only help with losing weight but overall health in general. Exercise will help their cardiovascular health. Taking a shot to lose weight only helps lose fat and does not help overall cardiovascular health without exercising. They’ll gain it back once off of the shot. Not to mention, this is causing a shortage for those that truly need the medicine. I have a family member that has not been able to have their prescription filled due to shortages and this is the only medicine that will help them (they’re type 1 & insulin resistant).

Sometimes we all believe there is no cure for cancer and other deadly diseases of which there is but lack of informations make us think that way. If you’re battling with cancer or any other deadly diseases, what you should think of getting is herbs from the right source because herbs are in best position to eradicate that disease away from your body completely. I was able to get rid of cancer with the help of the herbal remedy I got from Dr Ozemoya. It surprising isn’t it? But that the truth. if you’re suffering from any kind of disease/infections his herbs are very effective.

Amanda Del-Grosso The reason why diet and exercise doesn't generally lead to fat loss in most people is that for most people the more you work out the hungrier you get, your appetite increases . I have a bit of a belly that I'd like to lose . cardio didn't work because I get hungrier the more calories I burned from cardio and I'd eat more . strength training makes you very healthy but that doesn't work either . my back got wider , my shoulders and arms got bigger so if you look at before and after pics my belly looks a lot smaller , but when using the tape measure there is no decrease at all , its all illusion .
For a minority of people, people who can work out but not eat more ,then yes working out can lead to significant fat loss , but that's a minority. For the majority ,there is a positive causational relationship between working out and calories consumed . and this is not to downplay the positive effects of resistance training . it has a multitude of positive health benefits but long term fat loss ,for most people isn't one of those benefits