Lizzo is over the fat shaming

The singer responded to social media posts about her weight and added, "I HATE IT HERE.”


What Lizzo needs to do is not feed into the bs. She worked hard to get where she is. She talented in many aspects. If she was smaller in size the general public would still find something to complain about. It's just how this society has become.
People want her to cover up yet they really don't because then what would they complain about next? They just want something to talk about to make themselves feel better. Those who praise her are those who are not miserable and looking for an outlet to the frustration.

I hope she continues her journey in this life with her head held high and doesn't allow these remarks to eventually tear her down.

Unless you are literally her doctor you do not know why she is the weight that she is nor is it any of your concern. And if you don't want to see it then don't look at her.

I don't even know a song she had written. I only know her because of the endless verbal abuses she endures and it's splashed all over my media. So for those who think by slamming her you will get rid of her, sorry... you are doing the opposite.

I couldn’t possibly care less if someone comments about my weight. If you don’t find me attractive- GREAT. I like myself. I have a lot of people who love me and who appreciate me and who do like my appearance. To me- I expect certain people to vocalize something about my weight or my appearance but it’s like the old saying goes- what Peter says about Paul says more about Peter than it does about Paul.

People who are secure in who they are don’t go around trying to tear others down. So go ahead and take the time to type up something about me being fat. That tells me everything I need to know about you.

@Lizzo, please keep singing, dancing, rapping, fluting, yitty-ing, and everything else you do. We love you.

Who cares what people think or say anymore. Being Chinese, I have been called every racist phrase possible here in the US. Do I care. No. It's just words. It will be different if you put your hands on me or on my family to act out those threats. At that point expect 2 rounds in the chest and 1 to the head. You got to love the Second Amendment.

FYI, for all those gun haters out there when you cite the Second Amendment and say it is only for the militia, finish reading the rest of the Amendment where it states "right of the people." You may learn something.

If I could give Lizzo some advice, it would be this ... Girl, you be you, the entertainer, the artist, the role model that you are, have become ... Don't let the negative in ... Look at what you've achieved and overcome ... I had no idea who you were until I heard the song Am I Ready ... I actually gave up the idea of being with anyone 10 years ago thinking I wasn't good enough for anyone, people even called me "broken", but I came back because of that song and have been out there again, dating ... I don't care if you're fat or thin, gay or straight, red or blue, I enjoy your performances, so please please please, don't allow the haters to win with their negative jealousy because of what you've accomplished so far (and you will go further), just be and do what you do best, be you ...

It's very hard to make big money , when you making it, you got to learn to ignore the noise from those who know that they will probably die without ever making it.
People need to learn that, if that's how you treat your wife at home, you can't do that to a woman who ain't yours. It shouldn't be your problem if she's overweight. She just has to surround herself with people who appreciate people her size because not everyone is okay with breasts on sticks. Old age bullies ensuring that the behaviour is passed on to their children.

She's a product for consumption, folks.
Her entire shtick is being fat.
It's being carried out in an almost systematic fashion: the people in charge of shipping her know she is of mediocre talent at best and so they're doing it By The Numbers for her allotted 15 minutes of fame. Now is the "I'm so Offended I'm going to quit" phase which, unsurprisingly, fits seamlessly with the exact stage of collective emotion her supporters are experiencing right now.
I am sitting by fascinated as this whole thing is executed, Knowing that I can't Possibly be the only one who sees it.....

Anna Ray people that assume her weight is a choice and talk smack are fat shaming. There are genetic and hormonal issues that can cause weight gain and inability to lose weight. And the only thing that can be done is take more hormones or other drugs and have surgeries, all of which have their own side effects and risks and aren’t guaranteed. Some of us weigh or choices and do the best we can without the medical options that could cause worse problems down the road than just being happy with whom we are and how we look. So yes, continually pointing out shyt we already know and assuming we are pigging out on junk food all day is fat shaming.

Michael Robinson I meant on the bike, if you’re not too out of breath from the swim. And as an aside, you never tried talking to your friends underwater as a kid? What kind of boring…..oh wait. I’m talking to an insurance salesman. The pinnacle of interest to you is your peloton. What did you enjoy as a kid? Getting other kids in trouble with the teachers? Most people I know who sell insurance were massive snitches. If you’re not a totally faceless vessel, waiting to be filled with what society says, you must be stopped. Which explains your hatred for fat people. You must be so confused by the fact that not everyone is just like you.

Melissa Pouncy disrespectful to who ?
So what you are saying is only thin people with perfect bodies can wear skimpy clothes ?
Why ?
The fact is the vast majority of humans in US are overweight and have far less then perfect bodies.
We shouldn’t have to go around wearing a tent and hiding in shame .
I’ve seen thin people that look pretty horrible.
I actually used to be very thin and wear baggy clothes and long shorts and pants in boiling hot weather because I was ashamed .
Very few have a perfect body . We are deemed too thin , too fat , too flabby , too muscular, too wrinkled, too old , too much cellulite , too pale, or too dark .
You want her to be ashamed, and can’t handle she isn’t .
If you don’t like it , just listen to her incredible voice and music .
There are tons of horrible people in the world doing awful things . Worry about that , not what a kind , fabulous famous person wears on stage at a concert you are not at and no one is forcing you to go to .

10ºDureysa A Irkesho people that assume her weight is a choice and talk smack are fat shaming. There are genetic and hormonal issues that can cause weight gain and inability to lose weight. And the only thing that can be done is take more hormones or other drugs and have surgeries, all of which have their own side effects and risks and aren’t guaranteed. Some of us weigh or choices and do the best we can without the medical options that could cause worse problems down the road than just being happy with whom we are and how we look.