Oath Keepers member who sped to Capitol on a golf cart gets more than 4 years in prison

An Oath Keeper who was part of a security detail for Roger Stone on January 6 before rushing to join the Capitol riot was sentenced for seditious conspiracy.



Greta Gustafsson, here are some facts:

Trump-Under $2.00 a gallon.
Biden-Over $4.00 a gallon.
Stock Market:
Trump-126 "all time highs".
Fentanyl crisis:
Trump-Unheard of.
Biden-China and the Mexican cartels are making millions.
Biden Pending recession.
International Border:
Trump-Secure with asylum seekers staying in Mexico until vetted and wall being built.
Biden-Wide open with tens of thousands of unvaccinated, illegal immigrants streaming in.
The Ukraine:
Trump-Putin afraid to attack.
Biden-Putin is attacking and we are sending billions of dollars while the economy is sinking in the US.
Trump-Joint Chiefs of Staff devised a withdrawal with 2500 service members staying behind and holding on to tye Bagram Air Base.
Biden-Chaos, with 13 service members dead and millions of dollars of military equipment left to our enemies.

There are some facts for you. Get your GED because you are uneducated.

Daryl Lynn The old Qanon reply. I spoke facts, you spoke about charges that were already determined well before the trial. What damages were done? A few broken windows and doors? There were plenty of art work and statues they could have destroyed much like the BLM riots did, but they didnt. You saw 1% of the people being violent, but you ignore the 99% of the people just walking around "their house". As for Ray Ebbs, it is amazing the single guy instigating the insurrection as you call it is not even arrested. Why is that? It is NOT the government house, it is the peoples house. If you dont think $2 billion in damages by BLM , over 50 people killed with some being law enforcements, minority businesses never recovering, churches and police stations burned down, if you dont think Americans own those businesses and churches, maybe you just dont care. Yes, maybe I am onto something

Fred Eisenhart so people who broke the law, were found guilty of breaking the law by our justice system, should be pardoned just cause trump and his republicans couldn’t overthrow our country like they wanted?

Trump wants to destroy and circumvent the justice system to protect his loyal followers. People literally willing to attack the law and police and go to jail for him.

Thank you for helping me show why the anti American criminal should lose in 24. Sorry his supporters attacked our capital and paid the price for it.

Don’t break the law and you won’t go to jail.

Maxine Mason NANCY PELOSI iois who you are talking about correct? Did you not watch the TRUMP interview on CNN that gave CNN the best rating of last 5 years as he told the truth about the jan 6 and whaty is no one of the 1000 of lefties in prison for burning rioting and looting of the WEST COAST? They murdered 25+ people Jan 6 not one death EXCEPT for the Woman shot by a Black cop at point blank range who was also a Vetran and married to a black man I know yall love to use RACE so I will too

Now his family suffers, not of covid but, being fooled by a maniac criminal instigator leader and he believes on fake leader who, since he came to the world of politics started, to arouse racial descriminations which started to Obama, with his fake accusations of his birther issues and much bad when he started campaigning with all false issues and when he won, he never stopped cursing the other party instead of uniting americans. What’s bad, he even named the medias as fake and continued his corrupt ways from profitting from his inaguaration’s visitors seats, even visits to Kingdom middle east countries he got moneis from it and 6 years now, still collecting donations from his unmindful followers. He even got loans thru the enemy leader and befriended him as if, treating him like the master and make america as if, the loser to that friend. What bad he tried hard, to put down his country’s armed forces trying to stop NATO and bismirching the FBI and other military intelligence agencies which may gave an advantages to the enemy country. As of date, investigation by grand jury says, he might even sold intelligence and military secrets. That is the person, this man followed, got and sentence for imprisonment. Better think now, the criminal maniac leader ain’t going to do you good.