White House says Biden is fine after tripping on stage at Air Force Academy commencement

President Biden tripped on a sandbag and fell as he completed handing out diplomas at the US Air Force Academy commencement in Colorado.



Rocky Sturgess No don’t you understand that this man as you called him. Has gotten our country back on track from the corrupt idiot trump and his party. Trump and his party has ruined our country. I guess you don’t remember the 6 January attack on our Capital, tax credit for the rich, hiding the facts about the virus that caused many deaths, stealing classified documents, wanting to cut veterans disability benefits, SSI benefits, health care benefits, lying about an election that was proven fair and many other issues and supporting Putin and North Korean President in their evil doings. No the question is. What is wrong with you? Supporting a evil and corrupt idiot. I forgot you trump supporters don’t believe the truth. The economy is better now, the job market is up, the virus isn’t killing people, people are making money, buying homes and most of all not giving the rich tax cuts and giving family members jobs in the White House making billions of dollars from our government and other countries.

If you look in the dictionary for the definition of the word klutz, you would see my picture. If someone is going to fall, knock something over, or break something, then that would be me. People fall down all the time so it’s not a big deal. I’m glad he wasn’t hurt and those that think it’s funny, it’s not funny. Like him or hate him, he’s a human and nobody is perfect. I feel like both political parties need to allow other candidates to enter the race for President and have more choices than just one person to represent their party. I also would like to see term limits on members of Congress and the Senate, because if it’s enforced at the presidential level, then it should be enforced throughout the different levels of both Federal and State governments.

ONCE, only ONCE ever, President Trump deliberately walked carefully down a ramp. All the Democrat media went nuts for days, showing this video and suggesting he was not fit for office.
Trump NEVER mumbled, lost his train of thought or spoke incoherently.
Trump NEVER fell going up stairs (not once, much less multiple times).
Trump NEVER fell flat out on a podium or off of a bike that was standing still.
Trump NEVER got lost trying to find his way off a stage (not once, much less multiple times) or walking across the White House lawn (not once, much less multiple times).

Do you think the media is biased??


Jared Purgatorio For your information my statement has NOTHING to do about him being the President. It’s about fools laughing at a older man tripping over a sand bag. For your information I know a lot of both men and women in their 80s and a few in their 90s still working. It’s a person right if they still want to work when they reach that age. That could have been a child, young man or woman, a middle age person. That tripped over that sand bad. People are so non caring and by the way there is NOT a age limit on being the president.

Kent Christon , yeah that’s the word I should of used “Idiots”… but the good thing is the Independents will side with the Democrats and help regain the house , keep the Senate and presidency … and by doing so democrats will control all three chambers and continue and finish cleaning up the corruption Trump and his cronies did to this country.. they will remove corrupted reps and hopefully impeach all those official including those who lied thier way into office and the United States Supreme Court ..corruption will not be part of this country nor itolerated.. this is not about the ideology of Trump or DeSantis, but the ideology of the majority of the American people!!!

Ok, it's just a trip, which will be social media fodder and meme material for the future. Not a big deal.

What interests me more is how the reported frames the story when things like this happens. They know opponents will try to use this to frame Biden as old and frail, out of it. So, look how they attempt to convey Biden as young and energetic. The article repeatedly states Biden was "jogging" - could be seen jogging to the car afterwards, and was jogging back to his seat. It's an attempt to show he is ok and is young and spry. Truth is, he wasn't jogging back to his seat. He just turned around, made one step and tripped.

Again, it's really just an honest and embarrassing misstep that everyone can relate to. The press, however...should be fun to watch both sides seize the incident and try to spin it to their own objectives.

Diego Guzman "I have broken more Elton John records, he seems to have a lot of records. And I, by the way, I don’t have a musical instrument. I don’t have a guitar or an organ. No organ. Elton has an organ. And lots of other people helping. No we’ve broken a lot of records. We’ve broken virtually every record. Because you know, look, I only need this space. They need much more room. For basketball, for hockey and all of the sports, they need a lot of room. We don’t need it. We have people in that space. So we break all of these records. Really we do it without like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical: the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth. Right? The brain, more important than the mouth, is the brain. The brain is much more important."

Sammie Frankwitt 10 signs of dementia
Corn Pop checks off all 10 boxes!! We are all much better off now than 2.5 years ago!!!

1. Difficulty with everyday tasks. Everyone makes mistakes, but people with dementia may find it increasingly difficult to do things like keep track of monthly bills or follow a recipe while cooking, the Alzheimer’s Association says. They may also find it hard to concentrate on tasks, take much longer to do them or have trouble finishing them.
2. Repetition. Asking a question over and over or telling the same story about a recent event multiple times are common indicators of mild or moderate Alzheimer's, according to the Cleveland Clinic.
3. Communication problems. Observe if a loved one has trouble joining in conversations or following along with them, stops abruptly in the middle of a thought or struggles to think of words or the name of objects.
4. Getting lost. People with dementia may have difficulty with visual and spatial abilities. That can manifest itself in problems like getting lost while driving, according to the Mayo Clinic.
5. Personality changes. A loved one who begins acting unusually anxious, confused, fearful or suspicious, or who becomes upset easily and seems depressed is cause for concern.
6. Confusion about time and place. If someone forgets where they are or can’t remember how they got there, that's a red flag . Another worrisome sign is disorientation about time — for example, routinely forgetting what day of the week it is, says Jason Karlawish, M.D., a neurologist and professor of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine and codirector of the Penn Memory Center.
7. Misplacing things. Someone with dementia may put things in unusual places and may have difficulty retracing their steps to find misplaced items, the Alzheimer’s Association notes.
8. Troubling behavior. If your family member seems to have increasingly poor judgment when handling money or neglects grooming and cleanliness, pay attention.
9. Loss of interest. Not feeling especially social from time to time is one thing, but a sudden and routine loss of interest in family, friends, work and social events is a warning sign of dementia.
10. Forgetting old memories. Memory loss that becomes more persistent is often one of the first signs of dementia.
Time to go!!

Enolix Business Consultants

10ºSue Marie Krattiger How it’s possible that an American president has his:

1.Campaign chairman ARRESTED - That’s PAUL MANAFORT
2.Deputy campaign ARRESTED - That’s RICK GATES
3.Campaign Manager ARRESTED - that’s STEVE BANON
4.National Security Adviser ARRESTED -That’s MIKE FLYNN
5.Personal Lawyer ARRESTED - That’s MICHAEL COHEN
6.Long time Political Adviser ARRESTED - That’s ROGER STONE
7.Campaign Foreign Policy adviser ARRESTED - That’s GEORGE PAPADOPOULOS
8.Inaugural Chairman ARRESTED - That’s TOM BERECK
9.Inaugural Vice Chairman ARRESTED - That’s ELLIIT BRODY
11.Chief Financial Officer of his private company ALAN WEISELBERG
12.His Foundation/Charity - SHUT DOWN AS A FRAUD
14.During his ONE TERM AS PRESIDENT 5 of his Cabinets secretary were referred for Federal Criminal prosecution - IN ONE TERM!!!!
15.His Lawyers already went to PRISON
18. Potential second round of INDICMENTAS derived from these allegations of a years long multi million dollar CRIMINAL TAX FRAUD STREAM that’s already LED to the INDICMENT of his company that bears his name and its long time CFO

This is just a small list but it is soooo much more….