Bill Cosby targeted in new sexual assault lawsuit | CNN

Bill Cosby is being sued by Victoria Valentino in a new civil lawsuit claiming decades-old allegations of sexual assault.


Robinson Harris quite honestly I don’t care of what other people think of my opinion. No one on the internet pays my bills or anything else for that matter and I think it’s arrogant of you to think I should. Im perfectly capable of thinking for myself and standing up for myself. Im not likely to change it. And I believe if you go back and read, you’ll see I never stated that I think they all lied. Now, respectfully, I stand by my opinion and I’m done with this. I’ve already given it way too much of my time. Peace out !

Susan Shelton Foster it’s not really a debate. The reality of society back then was to not listen to women reporting these crimes. If he did it that long ago and no one would listen to her accusation, should he be punished? You can say no or that you think all 50+ of them are lying and just doing it for money. That’s a opinion. Say that. Just have it knowing the reality of 69’ not a contemporary view. When 5 people accused Jerry Sandusky? Wait and see. 47 accusers? I’ve never been assaulted so I’m not going to pretend I know how I’d react. But empathy is important. Have a good night

Robinson Harris I have never said that I think all of them lied. I said he’s done his time. Leave him alone. I’ve also said it was my opinion, more than once so I’m not sure why you are taking such issue. I was not there in ‘69 or any other year for that matter. I have not been there for any court hearings. All I have is my opinion. Have you actually read anything I’ve written or is this just a case of you wanting to be right bc I’m not here for that either. Having said all of that, we can agree to disagree on the things we disagree over but unless you were actually there yourself, you are just voicing your opinions as well.