McCarthy faces key test ahead of House vote on debt limit deal | CNN Politics

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy helped secure a debt limit deal – now he has to secure its passage in the House, with little room for error.


William Hesse That’s actually not the fact. The top 1% make 24% of the gross national income and pay 40% of the nations taxes. Tax “trickle-down% doesn’t work because of corporate greed.
Question about “free handouts”
I was born in the United States. When I was young, I left an abusive husband when my child was still under one year old. I got a job as a waitress, I was going to school to get my degree, and I was solely supporting my child. I applied and received food stamps and medical insurance for my child. I did that for two years, until I was making enough money that I didn’t need it anymore. Do you think I did not deserve assistance?

That's the price of being under pressure from several countries demanding action from the ones with the bigger guns. The people demanded we step in and stop Russia from genocide against Ukraine. We stepped in, sanctioned Russia, froze all assets from the United States to Russia, and arrested any clown that wanted to join Russia's cause. We even have Traitors in the Pentagon who were arrested sending Top Secret/Classified intelligence to the enemy.

A good amount of our imported gasoline, food, and alcohol comes from Russia and once war broke out, the Big Oil ceased the opportunity to raise prices astronomically.

Cheryl Ellis why are you Republicans so hateful? (Hateful people build a wall to keep brown people who their fellow racist cult leader calls rapists and murderers out of the country; hateful people deny basic human and civil rights to people based on their sexual identity; and hateful people put gun rights over the right of citizens to feel safe and free from being the victim of gun violence.) Why do Republicans want everything their own way? (A senate led by Republican Mitch O'Connell outrightly and purposely blocking every Democrat initiative by President Obama during his presidency. Donald Trump's and his cults refusal to accept the results of a free and fair election.) You act like little children. (Donald Trump inciting his cult members to storm the Capitol like little c#nts instead of being responsible, rational adults and accept defeat). Why don't you stop ignoring the facts and history and grow up?