Elizabeth Holmes reports to prison | CNN Business

Elizabeth Holmes has reported to prison, capping off a stunning downfall for the disgraced founder of failed blood testing startup Theranos.



Silicon Valley, in the broadest sense is “fake it till you make it”.

The stuff she actually had her hands on is absolutely child’s play compared to what the money movers in New York do.

The innovation requires going up against big pharma. When it looked like theranos was about to start cashing checks, they called in their friends to make sure it was never going to happen.

She made mistakes. Business mistakes. Even personal ones.

To understand how this happened you need to understand what makes capitalism work. You also need to walk into your medicine cabinet and take a good long hard look at why you’re sick.

Not excusing her behavior but I am saying that future innovation and health care investment is going back into the hands of big pharma. Take that for what it’s worth.