1-year-old dies after being left in a hot car outside of a hospital for nine hours, police say | CNN

A 1-year-old child died after being left in a car parked outside of a hospital for nine hours in Washington state last week



I will never understand this! I always panic thinking I HAVE my kids with me and then remember oh yeah they are at so and so… I could never FORGET I have them … I can’t tell you how many times too when we haven’t had them because they are at grandparents or something I woke up to check on them etc too to realize that’s right they aren’t home. These people need to start putting their phone/wallet etc in back seat so they turn around and see oh that’s right I also have a child I’ll just never be able to rationalize this…

I still can't understand why car manufacturers can not come up with a monitory feature for cars that alert a person each time a car a car is shut off that some thing is in that car.. it could be a box of paper or anything that's of weightsee and it will make them put a code in or something.... (weight in a seat) would save so many children and pets... A car can tell u if seat belt is snapped...air bag is on...how to back up..so many things..why not a feature yet to prevent a child being left in car??

This happens because we live in a society that we are constantly distracted and often multi-tasking. There have been days that I got in my car and went to the wrong place and not realize until I arrived because my mind was somewhere else. Not sure this is the case but can imagine it may have contributed to it. I read that if you are taking your kid somewhere you should put your shoes in the back seat so you will remember when you get out of the car. Regardless, so sad this child obviously had a rough start being in foster care to begin with and then to have such a horrible demise.

Tristis Ward it could be not your normal routine like one father that day took the child and not the mother as every time. You just get distracted and maybe in a hurry. I know there is NO excuse but no One is perfect. Everyone at one time or another forgot to do something very important. Not as important as a child in a vehicle. It was a horrible accident. My neighbors 2 yr old drown in their pool last year. They had the fence around. They had others over but on deck with pool in full view. It happened so fast. It was a horrible accident. It is not understandable. But not one of us neighbors called them terrible parents because they were and are the best.

I don’t understand why a car company can make a dinging sound when the seatbelt isn’t on or a light go on when a door left open or a signal to the driver when the weight in the passenger seat is not correct but can’t do the same thing for weight in the car seat. There needs to be laws to prevent and regulate the weight with buzzers for the back seat.

Until then parents with young kids should think about leaving their cell phones, pocket books or wallets as a safety measure in the backseat next to the door. It won’t be long before they realize these devices or items are missing because it’s something people are conditioned to carry on them or with them all day long.

You know, one common denominator in many of these cases is that the person who forgot the child wasn't the usual drop-off person, that it was a change in routine. They just head to work and their mind goes on auto-pilot. This was a foster child, perhaps new to the household and a new part of the morning routine. Pressure should be put on car manufacturers for an alert system. We know they have the technology to sense weight in the seat of the car... who hasn't dealt with the obnoxious dinging if you don't put a seatbelt on a heavy bag of groceries in the front seat? This issue is just not a priority because they aren't forced to provide it.

This is horrific. I cannot believe anyone could leave their child in a car. But here is the irony, 38 kids died in hot cars in the last year nationwide, so we install warning sounds and messages in new cars reminding people to check the backseat. That is good. But oh the irony that THOUSANDS of children died in the US from gun violence and mass shootings in the last year, but we continue to do nothing tangible to stop that problem. ( Mass shooting drills do not count as stopping the problem.) So we are horrified enough that 38 kids died that we do everything we can to prevent it. But we literally don’t care enough that thousands of kids die to take on Republicans and the NRA to stop it. America has devolved into a violent place.

I bet she didnt forget her cell phone. I just dont see how you can forget a child in the backseat and to go all day working and never think of it. I think all parents should be charged then maybe people would remember there children. I will always say if a child is going to day care and they never miss and always on time then why cant a daycare worker call and say is you child not coming today. It would only take a few seconds and it might save alife. Gone to soon and didnt have to happen.

Catrina Swoard Parents “remember” dropping their kid off at daycare that day because they’ve done it a thousand times and things like that blur together. (Like locking the front door or turning off a curling iron or running the dishwasher-routine things you’ve probably swore you did, but actually didn’t.) People remember their cellphones because they’re using them…or if they forget them in their car, they run and grab them when they realize they’ve left it behind. It’s not more important, it’s just more obvious when it’s not available when you go to use it. (So the cell phone with the kid would probably work well.) It’s the routine things that make people believe they’ve already checked that off their list for the day.

10ºElvis Ejemai I accidentally left my moms dog in the back of my truck last year. I took her dog, a weiner dog and my dog, a Saint Bernard to the groomers. Her dog was in the back in the cage so my dog didn’t eat her. I got out and took my dog in before getting hers so my dog didn’t eat hers. My dogs had just had 12 puppies so when i went in the puppies needed to go out. I got that done and just forgot. My mom was like hey, you left maggie in the truck. I was like omg and ran to get her. She wasn’t in there long because all I did was bring mine in and put the puppies out but if my mom wasn’t there I would have left her.