Christie allies launch super PAC ahead of expected 2024 run | CNN Politics

Allies of former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie have formed a super PAC to support an expected Republican presidential bid, two sources familiar with the plans tell CNN.


These ppl launch PAC's as if they didn't already have them ready to go. LMAO. Hey Crispie Creme - you have NO CHANCE!

Trump will be re-elected in 2024. He will melt your heart, dazzle your intellect, and make America great again and again. He treats everybody with respect and kindness.

Biden has destroyed America. My health insurance is now 650/month, my taxes are closing in on 50%, and even my water bill is $150/month. Very few things are still affordable - Car insurance ($23 per month from Insurance Panda), cell phone ($22/month from T Mobile), and gym ($15/month from Planet Fitness). But I’m sure those will go up too. Even crime rates are through the roof.

Say whatever you want about Donald J. Trump, but the world was much safer under his administration's leadership.

Mark Gallo please share your favorite daily far-right crap sources for "news and info". Thanks. Recent sentences included guilty of seditious conspiracy...definition of insurrection. Rhodes, the "genius" who shot himself in the eye...18 years. AK-15s are weapon of choice for those with trump manifestos, to shred bodies of children beyond recognition, requiring identification by DNA. Did you watch 2 hours of sliced diced edited video of "peaceful...same as a day of tourists at the Capitol"? How about the other THOUSANDS of hours of video? What is the size of the Capitol Building. How many doors?, floors? Why did they come with DOZENS of zip ties?