A Southwest pilot had to crawl into the cockpit window after the flight deck door was locked

It’s never fun to be locked out.



All praises belong to Dr Manley, the great herbal man that cured me from HERPES. I got diagnosed 2015 and I was desperately looking for a possible way to get this virus out of my body because I believe there was a cure somewhere. I keep searching on social media until I saw some testimonies about Dr Manley recommendation online on how he has being curing HERPES and other deadly diseases with his herbal medication. Immediately after reading the testimony I emailed Doctor and explain my problem and he prepare my cure and send it to me through UPS and gave me instructions on how to use the herbal medicine and behold after usage I went to the hospital for checkup and the result was Negative and the symptoms of herpes was completely gone from my body. You can contact Dr Manley to get your herbs too and cure yourself from this horrible virus. You can contact him via email: drmanleyhelphome@gmail.com or through WhatsApp +905428528628. Dr Manley cures so many different types of deadly diseases/viruses with his herbs such as HERPES, HIV/AIDS, CANCER of all kinds, HSV 1&2, DIABETES, HPV , FIBROID and so many more. I want to thank God for using Dr Manley to cure me from genital herpes.