Help requested from DC National Guard 12 times during US Capitol riot, Democrats say

US Capitol Police, Washington Metropolitan Police and local officials requested support from the DC National Guard 12 times on January 6 while the Capitol was under attack, the House Oversight Committee Democrats said


I hope if this ever happens again they will leave each one of them who wouldn’t do anything but drop the case, in the room to see what is happening. If they have to see and feel then just maybe they will allow it to be checked out. We need to know the, who’s what and when from this situation. But McConnell don’t want anything be lay at the Republicans so he wants to sweep it under the rug. McConnell and McCarthy are some evil people. I can’t stand the way McConnell uses his powers. He’s become a very despicable person. I am ashamed of the Senators who wants nothing checked out. This is all because they know Trump called this on. What else is he going to have to do before they can use their brain. This is if they even have one. This is so wrong for them and nobody wants to cross them. If this were the Democrats they would work day and night to try to get rid of them. This shows they haven’t got any feeling of remorse for anymore or anybody.This is enough to tell people how crooked McConnell and McCarthy are . They are hate filled to the bone. I wish they would both lose their jobs. What I really wish is that they would have the money taken from them. They’re not doing anything except what Trump wants, so why should we have to pay them.They both are a disgrace to our Country They do not deserve a retirement pay when they are not trying to do anything except put the Democrats out. What a pair!!! This remarks that came from Moscow Mitch should put him out immediately. But they put themselves above all the rest of them. McConnell actually thinks he is boss. He is already said he probably would not put in a Judge of their choice. Do we just sit back and let this man actually run everything??? This is a sad time and place for America. We are better than this. We should fight until they get rid of McConnell and McCarthy. Neither one doing anything about what needs done. Oh yes, I forgot, McCarthy is running back and forth to Trump getting his opinion. This is sickening to say the least.

I want to know when the Capitol made the first request for assistance. Not just when Miller first approved the request. And if there was a delay between the first request and the approval why was there a delay?
I'm glad they are discussing the alleged prior lack of intelligence. All the media had found the intelligence and had reported on it. If the officials were unaware of it then I believe we need new officials.
And lastly I sincerely hope they get into the "Capitol tours" congresspeople were giving in the weeks prior to Jan 6. And let's hear from the alleged Capitol police who were reported to be holding doors open for the insurrectionists. And who exactly told Capitol police that trump supporters were coming and they should be ignored. But to keep an eye out for "antifa". (Dare I say that is pretty discriminatory? Allow one group of protesters in but not the other group?)

The National Guard was not ordered in time because Trump had put a hold on them until Trump had enough time for his supporters, rioters, insurrectionist to break into the US Capitol and overturn the elections, it is coming out and will continue to come out but the ONLY LOSERS ARE THE FOOLS TRUMP MADE OF HIS SUPPORTERS WHO ARE IN JAIL AND THOSE IN THE GOVERNMENT WHO HE BLACKMAILED TO NOT SAY ANYTHING THEY ARE THE FOOLS AND THE REST OF US TAXPAYERS ARE PAYING FOR ALL THE DAMAGE. A LIE WILL LAST ONLY UNTIL THE TRUTH COMES OUT.
