Biden and Putin take first photo and shake hands as high-stakes summit gets underway

US President Joe Biden and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin just took their first photo and shook hands before holding their meeting Wednesday at a high-stakes summit in Geneva


Biden is not a dummy…. he’s been in political life too many years to be a slobbering, kiss-azz idiot in the room with a killer like Putin.

Problem for America is that too many of us like Putin’s authoritarian macho bull-sh:t than a free democracy and are willing to believe lies and kill anyone in power who threatens a false idea of racial superiority or at least excuse white Americans who do kill.

I blame Putin’s manipulation of America’s former puppet and his mindless groupies …. You know!! ….that guy who lost the House, the Senate, the Presidency and incited a coup with his lies!

People would better believe lies than face the reality that life —is not what it seems! Too painful to take a look in the mirror. It’s easier to blame someone. It takes a real man to face reality, take responsibility, respect all people and races. Because reality demands extreme bravery!

So….. what good is it to die, when you have six kids that you love more than my own life?
Wouldn’t it be better not to make bombs?
To care instead of killing?
To talk instead of fear of get a “No” for an answer?
To be friends and cooperate?
To exchange culture and good things for our common future, instead of FEAR for the “unknown”?

What is this seeking of violence, instead of communication?

I practiced Okinawa Te (which you call Karate) for 40 years…. not to use it, because then I would be as primitive as the violent people is, but to understand that “it hurts” and “he or she will have pain” if I use it.
If I really need to use it, I will…. but why, if it’s possible to prevent violence with WORDS instead?

There are only ONE way to solve problems and that is with peace.

One of the greatest warlords said:
“- The most grateful combat to win is the one that never needed any violence “.

Media rights to free press have been undermined as you have no regard for who started this company. Yet you consider fake profiles that spread messages of when and how to over throw the government. Use facial recognition to determine this Pirates that use technology to maneuver their criminal organization. This is advance letter carrying in time of War, disruption or interference from Alliance country is recognized as your head of operations is deceitful. I know first hand as I am your first victim and pasted my ideas to others within your (my) company. Enjoy your Mimi’s pie from your Allie.

Hi every one reading this testimony. I was rejected by my husband after six(6) years of marriage leaving me to fend for our kids. One day when i was reading through the web, i saw a testimony on how this psychic helped a woman to get back her husband. He is only known as the great MARAJA. I gave him a call and he told me that a woman had cast a spell on my husband. He told me that he was going to help me and after 4days of using what he sent to me and some chants that i would see changes and eventually have my man back. I used my whole life to trust him and today i am glad to let you all know that it was successful I have my man back .
This spell caster has the power to bring lovers back amongst other things. I and my kids are now happy with my husband and their father. Thanks to the Great MARAJA

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The principle of "effective ideas and convincing ideas" should be the focus within complicated situations!

With this approach you develop new ways in complicated and hopeless situations!
Effective ideas and convincing concepts result in: Motivation in the joint venture / project team!

One should take into account that the application of convincing ideas creates a loose communication!
With the benefit of the potential for motivations!

A successful idea is as follows:

Joint collaborations and research in vaccine delivery and joint strategic promotion in relation to motivations for vaccination in the civilian population!


The current situation with about 450 nuclear power plants in terms of storage of the problem!

The focus should be on developing common concepts!
One should take into account that a scientist has a total of 20 to 35 years of work available!
International cooperation develops motivation within projects and companies!

Scientists benefit from efficiency!

Motivation in the team develops trust and an increase in performance through _— Spirit —_! With the advantage of more efficiency!

One should pursue the advance thought! Look for and find opportunities in new joint projects!

47 YEARS OF NOTHINGNESS , except for sending your jobs to China️
4.7 million people have lost their healthcare insurance because of Obamacare #BidenLied
If you want to see what Joe Biden and the socialist Democrats have done for you just drive to your local ghetto and count the rats ️
2,500 people shot in Chicago this year by democrat gangsters I repeat this year️ Parts of Minneapolis burn to the ground! Seattle held captive by terrorist murdering children and attacking police ! The common denominator in all ,democratic run cities️ Now the Democrats want to defund the police ! Democrats destroying the family unit, christianity and the safety of the America ️

100% proof that the Socialist Democratic Party has failed America and keeping you in the ghetto️#TrumpDeliveredTheJobs and he will do it again️
This is what happens when Democrats run a city

Tracking Chicago shooting victims - Chicago Tribune


Que dice El Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos?
Están dando a entender que Putin está legalizan una aplicación que hicieron en mi casa, con cámaras directo a internet, en Arabia lo conocen como “tragaluz” . Invadieron mi privacidad para venderlo como un reality show, que han vendido en el extranjero, y muy caro!!
Esa aplicación la hizo el marrano Gabriel flores, y en lugar de ser un delito, para watch tower y políticos corruptos se llama “ libertad de expresión “
Pues resulta que pirujas de Putin , Raquel Castrejón, Encinas y otras ratas más, están dando a entender que son dueñas legalmente de esa aplicación. Con la que han generado millones y millones de dólares, que todo lo que yo escucho o lo que se ve en mi casa genera muchísimo dinero, y ellas son las buenas por que según ellas tienen documentos que Putin les proporciona
No me han dado nada.
Hora 9:04 pm

No sólo eso, también tienen a mi hija publicando pestes de mi persona
