Virus outpaces vaccines, a sobering milestone, a new variant: What to know about Covid-19 this week

As the rich world reopens and sheds pandemic restrictions, the virus is moving faster than vaccines, affecting regions like Africa, the WHO has said


This virus is such a killer we all must protect ourselves from it in the hardest way we can. There are those who spoke out against me when I made comments about the Indian man who left his pregnant and child to travel to India to be with his parents not even considering how dangerous this trip was and that he could bring back the virus infecting his pregnant wife and young child. My reasoning behind my decision to criticize was that he was willing to endanger the life of his own family instead of considering the results of his own family's possible death threat. It is this sort of thing that helps the virus spread and there are so many photos coming out of India and Africa where no one is wearing a mask or keeping a safe distance from others. There is no viable excuse why this can't be done, none whatsoever. So we have to do whatever we can to help stop the spread. I have lost two family members to the virus and six in-laws I never really knew as well as several friends and I was not able to say farewell to them. This is just one example of what we have to deal with, not go near them and possibly be a virus carrier.

On Tuesday, the Ministry of Defense for Taiwan announced a record 28 Chinese military aircraft entered its air defense identification zone (ADIZ) in what appears to be a retaliatory message from China after it was rebuked by the U.S. and G7 nations.

The large-scale Chinese military flight over Taiwan came shortly after President Joe Biden met with global leaders at the G7 summit, where they issued a communique calling out Chinese human rights abuses in Xinjiang as well as its increased military actions in the East and South China Seas. China knows we are now weak and will go after Taiwan. CNN will never tell you this.

We cannot hide forever people. Don't believe the fear mongering. If you want a vax, get it. If you want to wear a mask, do so. The point is, you can't keep mask mandates and social distancing for much longer. Make your own decisions. Im sure the variants are arising because of the vaccine. The virus is going to mutate to protect itself. What scientists should work on is research into better treatments. We have a vaccine for the measles but if someone still gets it, it can be treated. Vaccines buy time, now find a cure or a viable treatment.
