दिल्ली सीएम अरविन्द केजरीवाल: थर्ड वेव का डर, निपटने की पूरी तैयारी करनी होगी

दिल्ली सीएम अरविन्द केजरीवाल: थर्ड वेव का डर, निपटने की पूरी तैयारी करनी होगी, सरकार युद्धस्तर पर काम कर रही है #ATVideo #DelhiCM #ArvindKejriwal #Covid19 #CovidThirdWave



How many Oxygen beds and ICU beds have been added in Delhi hospitals or you will add before onset of 3rd wave? Have you finalized any SOP for treatment of Corona infected persons? Have you finalized private hospitals charges on the basis of treatment or facilities they will offer during 3rd wave? How you are going to deal with corruption of private and government Ambulance operators? How you are going to control black marketing of medical equipments and essential medicines? Please do seedhi baat and no unnecessary Bakwaas....otherwise when all hell breaks during 3rd wave, you and your coterie of ministers will blame BJP and PM..
