Watch Elizabeth Warren grill Jamie Dimon over pandemic overdraft fees

Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren slammed Jamie Dimon during a Senate hearing for the $1.5 billion in overdraft fees that JPMorgan Chase collected from consumers during the pandemic


I wonder if Comrade Warren is OK with putting people in jail who write bad checks? Now, I'm not advocating that... but if people purposely or habitually write bad checks... should they not have to suffer some consequence? I'm thinking paying a fee is better than jail.

Now, I get sometimes people make mistakes... but a lot of people write them... knowing they won't go through but hoping to play that Peter/Paul game.

What about those they wrote the bum check to that bounces on their account? Do they get made whole? Sometimes they aren't... they just get screwed.

She's just trying to look like Robin Hood... and going after the "big bad banks." When you sign up for a bank... you know the fees... now, if the bank you're with won't be lenient during times of a Pandemic... change banks... but to try to grandstand and shame a business for a known cost that they are collecting... that's weak.

I love seeing White Democrat's today act like their not racist and that they have nothing to do with racism in America when they created it here!..
It's funny to watch them try to imprint their history, mindset and methods onto Republicans.. They get away with that (BATE & SWITCH) jod because most Republicans are none confrontational politically..
Also, They're able to pull off these " Big Lie" with the aid of Crooked Asians & African American Uncle Tim types.. Now These Black Democrats "con" the black community into supporting the party that fought against everything that's near & dear to us.. Democrats fought against the Civil Rights, The Emancipation Proclamation, and their fought against Desegregation..

Let’s take a look at this for a moment shall we.

The PCR test was used to manipulate infection count- conspiracy no more

Corona came from China and the Wuhan lab- conspiracy no more

Corona was gain of function biological weapon- conspiracy no more

Masks are ineffective and actually harmful to your health- conspiracy no more

The vaccine is a global IQ test, conspiracy, hold on tight there will be millions wishing they just had hydroxichloriqune

The fact checkers are paid to play propaganda pushers- conspiracy no more

Foucci intentionally kept therapeutic known safe and effective to treat corona killing thousands- conspiracy no more

Foucci funded the wuhan lab- conspiracy no more

Election fraud was so significant that it changed the results of our leadership -conspiracy no more

Critical race theory is racist propaganda- conspiracy no more

Oh how the list grows. Are you waking up yet?????
