Five arrested in connection with shooting of British BLM activist Sasha Johnson

London police have arrested five men on suspicion of attempted murder in connection with the shooting of prominent Black Lives Matter activist Sasha Johnson


I noticed you didn't state the colour of the men, had they been white it would have been stated with outrage and riots.
I find it ironic that it had nothing to do with her activism, but instead a problem the uk has which is london black gang youths.
The real problem that the uk has couldn't have come more obvious, and unfortunately has hit her in the face
I hope she now puts in as much effort with gang problems as she does with blm, after all....the uk police force is not america and do not carry guns.
I hope she makes a full recovery.

Peter daz zick has been caught right handed. Reporters have gotten the emails shared by his organisation where they said we can't let the public know that we are the ones writing the lands of study saying that there's no evidences. They have the mode of you got the history. They have them admitting it. They got them covering it up and you have them continuing to cover it up with the corporate media trying to backup. But nothing can stop a story this big from coming out especially when the man a and man the whole thing worldwide. through the United Nations Anthony Fauci actually owns many of the patents for the vaccines He need to be in jail.

To all the ppl who gets
Their panties in a brunch
When ppl say defund the police
Heres why u are mad
Police in America get so much money each year that schools n hospitals close or have lil to very lil funding the police get so called more training to Deescalate hostile situations without violence but instead more shootings occur each year the cycle never stops even with body cams now we just see the corruption instead of just hearing it now so when ppl say defund the police this is one lil reason why

Got it get it...good!!

As am writing this am the happiest woman on earth because what I thought was impossible for me it came true. Me and my man have been together for some years now and as a couple we were always happy and talked about our future and we love each other so much but after some time I realized my man was starting to change his ways. He no longer showed interest in me anymore and was always distant even when we were together. I went and talked to his elder sister because we were best friends and she loved me very much.I told her that her brother was behaving strangely now days and seemed not to care about me any more. The sister told me that my boyfriend was having an affair with another woman but she had feared telling me because she thought I would be very hurt but she told to fight for my man and she told me to Baba Isma and tell him my problem. I called him and told him my problem and Baba made a love and binding spiritual prayer for me and in 2 days my boyfriend confessed everything and begged for my forgiveness since then he showed me love and affection and we got engaged and our wedding took place last month. Now am called Mrs Sidney. Thanks so much Baba Isma u are a powerful spiritual healer. U can contact him on +27783320386 whatsapp in case you are passing through the same situation like i was and i guarantee you, he will be of great help to you
