Oprah Winfrey and Prince Harry hosting a follow-up town hall

Oprah Winfrey and Prince Harry are reportedly set to continue their conversation on mental health



Now that Harry is here in California, I wish he would use his clout and his name and his fame, to address some of the homeless veteran situation. When he was a working Royal, he came up with the Invictus games which was one of the most amazing events I had ever heard about. Lately... all he seems to do is complain about the very institution that gave him so much privilege that he seems to resent but refuse to give up.

I’m not respecting this and I’m not respecting him anymore. I am all for therapy and mental health, what he doesn’t understand is his life has been a gift and there is a struggle happening right outside his $11 million door that could use his attention and Oprah‘s for that matter. But I cannot endorse rich people talking about their struggles. Particularly rich white people who have the ability to make such a great difference.

His grandmother the Queen, an an age younger than him, pledged her entire life in front of the world, to the purpose of service. Harry needs to look at that closely and align to that mindset. He’s too privileged to be taken seriously doing anything else for long

What kind of a person exploits someone who has verbalized he has mental health struggles and is currently in therapy, for$.. Does she not have enough money or is there another nefarious reason behind all of this, b/c she sure as hell is not helping a mentally ill person by putting him on air for the entire world to see him imploding!

Oprah has no moral compass and obviously no ethics.

And any therapist worth their credentialing would advise any patient to hold off on any public display until he's farther along in therapy and can make less emotional, more logical decisions at that time.

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Good old Oprah doing more good for who? She will make a bundle off this fiasco. No doubt the topic is serious and worthy just not by these “Circus Mongers” out to do good. The press release says....
“According to a news release, they will "reunite with advisors and participants for a thought-provoking, wide-ranging conversation about mental health and emotional well-being, and where we go from here."

Like it’s the first time this discussion has been tabled. I’m sure they are going to solve this and tell us “Where to go from here”.

Hey Oprah the real story here is Narcissistic Couples. That’s the tragedy.

Harry chooses to ride the Hollywood waves for $$$$ while trashing his own family publicly. Oprah is milking her cow! The lack of respect he has been showing for his Grandmother, the Queen, is unbelievable. Wash your dirty laundry at home dude, instead of making money off it! Shameful. Their (H&M) PR team is always in the works of spinning their BS 24/7. He needs serious help. In the meantime, picking tomatoes on his knees under the hot blazing sun for 8hrs a day, would do him well. He needs to stop whining, while using his Royal status to make a dime, a huge dime... while spitting on it .... and a stutus that was more than convenient for him throughout his entire life as a privileged person. Harry and his wife are the new poster children of victim hood. Pathetic, embarrassing and annoying. Isn't there a dungeon where they can both be thrown in?

The Oprah Winfrey Interview with Harry and Meghan caused me to lose respect for all three of these people. Most of what was said was untrue, and if Meghan had done her research about the Royal Family she would have known that Archie would eventually have a title. It was readily apparent that Harry and Meghan were most upset about having to spend their own money, instead of taxpayer money, or money from Prince Charles. If I were Prince Charles, and my son and daughter-in-law treated me with this level of disrespect, I would cut them off from my money. If they want to be fully independent, that should include supporting themselves especially since they are both close to 40.

Another Corrupt POS. Congress’s VIP Air Marshal Program Canceled after Maxine Waters Debacle
A scandal-plagued “VIP” program that provided members of Congress with Federal Air Marshals (FAM) often yanked from high-risk fights has been canceled after Judicial Watch exposed it earlier this month. As a result, hundreds of FAM are sitting idly at airports around the U.S. because the “VIP missions have stopped,” according to a federal law enforcement source with firsthand knowledge of the situation. A veteran air marshal who asked not to be identified said “the Washington Field Office in Washington D.C. was almost exclusively dedicated to VIP services for Congress.” Another longtime FAM told Judicial Watch he was deployed on several VIP missions with low-profile members of Congress. He said so many FAM were on standby for the VIP congressional program that now he and many of his colleagues are “sitting around the airport waiting for a mission.”

Maybe for all those haters in the back read this. You might learn something of value.
The Importance of Talking About Mental Health
With millions of Americans being affected by mental illness every year, it’s important to address this issue and talk about the impacts.

Approximately 1 in 5 adults, 43.8 million Americans, experience some form of mental illness in a given year.1 The topic of mental illness has been difficult to openly discuss over the years and many people view mental health with a negative stigma. With these issues becoming increasingly prevalent, it’s imperative that we move mental health to the forefront of conversation topics and have transparent discussions about how we are truly feeling. At Banyan Mental Health, we stress the importance of effectively communicating the negative thoughts and feelings that many people face.

Why To Start Talking About Mental Health

The importance of talking about mental health cannot be overstressed. As a part of our mental health programs in South Florida, we work with patients that are all too often afraid to talk about their mental health disorders outside of treatment. Because of this, we want people to understand the benefits of talking about mental health and encourage people to talk openly about mental health.

Remove the Stigma - By talking about mental illness on a more regular basis, we as a society will hopefully unveil the false notions that plague this topic. When these myths are debunked, it should help remove the stigma surrounding mental health.
Mental Health Disorders are Growing - The prevalence of some mental health disorders has risen in the past few decades. One study found that the occurrences of Major Depressive Episode in the youth have increased from 11.93% to 12.63% in one year.2 As more people are affected by these issues, it just proves that you are no longer alone in your struggles and talking about mental health should be more acceptable.
Promote Treatment & Decrease Rate of Suicides - Of the many reasons why we need to talk about mental health, this is arguably the most important. Because mental health is so taboo, too many people are not getting the treatment they need. In turn, their poor mental health could lead to suicide. One research study found that over 90% of people who commit suicide had symptoms of a mental health disorder.3
Open dialogue about mental health can help everyone heal. What people don’t realize is that there are numerous ways to effectively treat mental illness and you can live a normal lifestyle by learning how to properly manage your mental health disorder symptoms. The state of your mental health affects how you think, feel, and ultimately how you act. It’s crucial that we express these emotions with others on a daily basis. By talking about mental health openly, more people may be encouraged to seek professional help like our Florida residential mental health program.

Who to Talk About Your Mental Health With

Opening up about your mental illness will allow you to express how you truly feel and it gives others a chance to help you by guiding you through the difficult times. If you are experiencing any form of depression, or if you constantly experience negative thought patterns, seeking help with our mood and anxiety treatment programs in Boca will be extremely beneficial for your wellbeing. Visiting a therapist once a week will also aid in this process and you will start to feel the positive effects of opening up immediately. Banyan Mental Health also suggests that you lean on your loved ones in times of need and confide in someone about your struggles. You can talk about your problems with a trusted family member, friend, mentor, or therapist. Bottling up these thoughts could potentially turn into a bigger issue.

Tips For Talking About Mental Health

Talking about your mental health is important, but it can be difficult to open up. If you are struggling to talk about your mental health, we have a few tips.

Write a letter if you are afraid to talk face-to-face.
Talk to someone who doesn’t know you such as a therapist or psychologist if you don’t feel comfortable talking to a loved one.
Start by journaling and then transition to speaking.
Practice speaking in the mirror before you talk to someone if you are struggling to do so.
Remember that you will probably feel a great sense of relief after talking with someone.
Remember that you are not alone.
As a community we must do more to help our loved ones by supporting them through the dark days and talking about their mental health will spark the initial action. With suicide rates increasing, we must come together and find positive ways to involve ourselves in the conversation and ultimately get our loved ones the help they need before it’s too late.

The people laughing at this need help. Y’all are the reason people don’t come forward and seek help. You’d be surprised how common mental health issues are in society. You can be rich and famous and struggle with your mental health. The reason why this is a big deal is because yes a prince is opening up about his struggles. Did you know that he and his brother have an organization in the U.K that helps people with their mental health struggles, that he and his brother have openly addressed their issues with depression after their mother died? No I bet you didn’t. This work is important because people who do live with this disease realize how common it is and the importance of a person in power coming forward and saying “hey I love with depression or anxiety or OCD” etc. is a huge deal. Those of you laughing are most likely the people who were told that mental illness is a joke and not real. You’re def the people who make your colleagues Lives a living hell for your abhorrent behavior. I bet half of you laughing at this need therapy yourselves but don’t get it because you’ve been told by one too many people it’s fake. It’s not fake and I feel sorry for you and every person you know whose struggling and will continue struggling because they don’t feel safe coming forward and asking you for help.

10ºThe US Immigration needs to investigate Harry for crimes of "moral turpitude" and deport him back to his homeland.

1. What type of visa did he get? A diplomatic one - as of January 18, 2020 he can no longer, formally represent Her Majesty The Queen; therefore not in a diplomatic manner. Why is this "white" privileage man given special treatment in the USA.

2. October 6, 2020, Congressman Jason Smith accused Harry of foreign interference in our US Presidential elections using the Monarchy platform as the Duke of Sussex implying to be a representative of the british monarchy/government. In October 23, 2019, H.R. 4617 Bill passed known as "Stopping Harmful Interference in Elections for a Lasting Democracy Act". The Bill establishes that an alien engaging in improper election interference shall be deportable and inadmissible in the U.S.

3. March 2021, in the State of California, world wide interview ($7M to Oprah/Haspro Productions) personally attacking the credibility and reign of his grandmother, Her Majesty The Queen, the royal family and the british people of racism without a single fact of truth along with several lies including a secret wedding held 3 days before the monarchy's concent and insinuating that the Archbishop of Canterbury committed a crime by doing a secret wedding ceremony 3 days prior. In the State of California's criminal Fraud Laws: 1. commit an act that results in an unfair or undeserved benefit for yourself 1)financial gain. The interview was the founding platform for Harry and Oprah productions for their mental health awareness podcasts "The me you cant see".
