Young Americans are lagging behind with Covid-19 vaccines. And these threats have experts pushing for their vaccination

Experts are turning their focus in the fight against Covid-19 to vaccinating young Americans -- warning that though they may not face high risk for serious illness, they may still have to contend with long-term symptoms.


– If we don't wake up soon, we'll all be singing, "Bye Bye Miss American Pie" – Welcome to the United States of America, owned and operated by Communist China with easily access to all from our Mexican border.

The only real fix for our great nation is to raise more revenue by bringing back businesses, industries, and jobs to income-tax-paying American citizens.

Time to level the playing field using common sense instead of political BS, tokenism, and rhetoric.

That's where our government leaders have to step up and put some sensible measures and incentives in place to keep jobs here in the USA or the real economy and infrastructure of the country we love will be destroyed along with the future of the American people.

One thing that became clearly evident during and after the last two presidential elections is that both parties, the corrupt manipulative media and their globalist masters just consider the American people to be collateral damage in their game of globalization and cheap wages.

It's Not Rocket Science – Since the FreeTraitors have had their way of it, our largest export has been American jobs and money.

Over the past several decades, all that our traitorous politicians from both parties have been doing is selling out the American People, by stalling, spending, removing protections and allowing illegal aliens and foreign H1B/H2B visa workers to continue to pour into our country and American jobs and industries to pour out to other countries like communist China, India, Mexico, Etc. . . , and all while collecting their American tax-payer funded paychecks, benefits and whatever else they get on the side from their various lobbyist friends.

Nowadays it's obviously not about Americans being either lazy or uneducated as many try to profess, but about wages, benefits, expenses, and regulations in other countries that are not even remotely close to the wages, benefits, expenses and regulations in our country – It's not just happening with blue-collar jobs – It's happening to engineers, IT people, biotech workers, customer support, procurement, managers, supervisors, etc......................... And the American citizens on the lower end of the skill spectrum need jobs too.

It was never a skills shortage – It was a skills shortage at foreign wage and benefit levels – They've been willing to train cheaper foreigners, but not Americans.

For the last 30-years our government has allowed and enabled our country's industries to get sucked out to countries like communist China, India, Mexico, etc. and allowed illegal aliens and H-1B foreigners to continue to pour into our country and take away income-tax-paying American's jobs and drive down wages.

Good news for the American People would be more full-time jobs with occasional wage increases and without getting healthcare benefits taken away.

Unfortunately, because of what our so-called leaders from both parties have allowed and enabled to happen to our country and the American people, there are continuously more and more Americans falling out of the middle class, through no fault of their own.

Wake up America – We've become a consumer driven debt-ridden society.

It has all happened way too fast – Our government leaders should have put measures in place to make it slower, so that it wouldn't devastate our country, which has no chance when competing with other countries that don't play by the same rules or have pay scales that are even remotely close.

Let's face it, if more people would have listened to Ross Perot back in 1992, America wouldn't be in this mess – Turns out he was right.

It's Not Rocket Science – We need a much larger volume of income-tax-paying American citizens working again in order to generate enough revenue to fund The United States of America – It's not rocket science – If Americans aren't working – The America that we all know, and love is not going to continue to exist – It's about the volume of dollars and jobs going out of our country every year versus coming in.

NAFTA was bad enough, but our huge trade deficit and indebtedness to Communist China is like NAFTA on steroids.

When a foreign government like Communist China owns, subsidizes and controls almost every industry it's a real problem – Especially, when our own elected officials and US capitalists and politicians enable it to happen.

No matter how the globalist-free-marketeers and FreeTraitors try to spin it – Our huge trade deficits and indebtedness to foreign countries like communist China are obviously not in the best interest of our country or the American people.

Under the FreeTraitors way of thinking we might as well just outsource all of our military needs to Communist China, India, and Mexico just like we did everything else – What – Why not – I'm sure they could do it much cheaper – Hum. . .

Wake up America – Chinese Virus – China is where way too many of our food products, medicines and supplements are being processed and manufactured.

Bringing manufacturing back home to the USA and protecting our own southern border is going to end up being not only a key to restoring our economy, but to maintaining our national security as well.

The American People need actual Loyal American Leaders who will start coming up with some sensible measures and putting them in place to stem the tide or this is going to continue to have a devastating effect on the United States of America and the American People.

What about the tariffs and VAT that other countries use on our products? – Not to mention the foreign industries that are subsidized by their governments, including communist China.

The bottom line is that "Our Government" has to protect domestic industry and the jobs that those industries provide – If they do that, the rest will take care of itself.

The American people will need good jobs with health-care benefits in order to be able to pay for the services of those educated doctors, lawyers, college professors, etc. – It can't all be chiefs and no Indians – There is an equally important place for both of them in America.

Being conservative is all well and good – Our constitution is great and all that – But our failed and traitorous trade and immigration policies are not.

The ridiculous concept that protecting our own country's and citizen’s physical and economic health is somehow socialistic is bizarre – It's not socialistic – It's patriotic and loyal – And trying to sell us anything to the contrary is traitorous.

But, on the other hand, random minimum wage increases to $15 per hour are just a political smoke screen without actually addressing the root of the problem – First we'll have to bring back domestic industries and businesses to the USA and income-tax-paying US citizens – And that's going to mean securing our border, adding tariffs/VAT, providing tax incentives to keeping jobs and industries here and employing US citizens as well as adding disincentives for outsourcing / hiring illegals / abuse of the H1B foreign visa worker programs.

NEWS FLASH: Our leaders are supposed to be elected by the citizens of the United States of America to represent the interests of those citizens and the country itself – They are not supposed to be representing Wall Street, lobbyist, international corporations, the global marketplace (WTO, NAFTA, TPP, KORUS, NWO), foreign citizens, foreign interests, or illegal aliens – And it's about time that all of our so-called leaders started honoring that fact.

Wanting trade and immigration policies that will put the best interests of our own US CITIZENS first and foremost, especially our veterans is not racist, fascist, or socialist – It's common sense, if you're an American of any race, creed, or gender.

FAMILY, CALL ME THE DARK CLOUD ON A SUNNY DAY, however, I find something odd in the way the needle is inserted into the arm of this person receiving the shot. I became a LAB Technician in 1959. We were taught to hold the needle upright when administering the medicine. BUUUUT, WHEN I look at this shot being administered, I notice that it is quite slanted. Why is this an issue for me? Because, in my opinion that position you hold when something is being inserted into the arm, other that JUST liquid medicine. PLEASE CORRECT ME IF I AM WRONG.
