Two brothers were wrongfully convicted of rape and murder. Nearly 40 years later, they are getting $75 million in compensation

The award is significant because not all exonerees in the United States are guaranteed compensation


It's still not enough all the abuse they went through in jail they still have a life time since all the nightmares they're going to have 75 million doesn't even touch 40 years of life lost. The state owes them the job they never had the marriage they never had the kids they never had or the marriage they lost the kids they lost the funerals they never got to go to the friends they would have made all the holidays they would have enjoyed these poor guys this is why I personally can't send anybody to jail because we have too many corrupt people and the court system that just wants to make a name for themselves and some people to jail for something they did not do. 75 million how do you get 40 years back. Article about nothing for the rest of their lives because their life was taken for 40 years so the next 40 years I don't think they should have to work I think their medical bills that they have should be free because their life was taken for 40 years I think housing should be free and they should live in a nice house because for 40 years they lived in a jail that they did not deserve to go to so at least we can put them in a decent house or apartment or condo no matter what the cost is and let that be the city county state government's cost of sending these two poor guys to jail for 40 years these men have lost a lot they have been 40 years of institutionalized in a jail you cannot get over 40 years of institutionalized. The people that thought 75 million was enough what is 40 years of your life behind bars worth cuz 75 million is not enough.

Here it's good.... people can go at least successfully to court....I was 1298 days innocent in jail in Germany.....they have a fixed compensation law where it's not possible to go to court.... only about compensation for lost income. But I was unemployed in the moment I got I got no income compensation....while being a journeyman....and for the 1298 days I got 25 Euros each day ($30 US).....less than 39k US currency.....AS TAXABLE INCOME.....yes.....they even charged 25 percent income tax on my compensation for being innocent in jail and I couldn't do anything against it....even the federal German supreme Court declined my appeal! Thanks God I've never been a German! The American system is far away from being perfect....but it's at least no disgrace for the free world like the German justice!
