Iraq estimates that $150 billion of its oil money has been stolen from the country since the US-led invasion of 2003

An estimated $150 billion of stolen money has been smuggled out of Iraq in corrupt deals since the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, Iraqi President Barham Salih said Sunday


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Let me see if I can compose a scam proposition with part of the stolen billions of dollars.


My name is Obama Bush Mohamed Bin Osama I'm the head of Iraqi National petroleum (I.N.P) I would like to invest $5 billion U.S. $. which I embezzled from the Iraqi National petroleum (I.N.P) in your country
I will send the said amount to your bank account if you are interested to be my business partner. I am trusting you will keep the funds until my arrival in your country we will share the funds between us 70%/30% you will take 30% and 70% for me and my family.

I am waiting for your reply so that I can give you more details about the funds and how it will be sent to you Insha Allah.

No wonder, everyone knows that U.S. got into Iraq to steal thier Oil under the assumptions of having weapon of mass destruction and protecting the world from the terrorism , and now 18 years had been passed already where's the so called weapons? .. oh, sorry that was a mistake ... Everyone knows from the beginning and the world just looked to the other otherside because U.S. has the power to shut them up , and now Israel assumes too that they fight terrorism by stealing Palestinians land and homes with US protection and again the world looks to the otherside, there is no difference here the history repeats itself !
And you CNN started to announce the truth 18 years after it happened ! Shame on you and on your political partiality ! Go broadcast some REAl news ..

the main reason America went to Iraq in 2003 to steal resources and control the region (American interests). If they were really helping they couldve helped Iraq when Deash(none isis) instead of the things that happened. Thats enough money to build the whole country better then the gulf states. As an Iraqi American that had to leave Iraq in the early 90s i hope the rest of the American people will really see what the American foreign policies are, nothing but wars, lies, and war crimes that the American government bring to the middle east. If we as American believe in democracy and freedom then we should believe it for others even if they were different then us.

Let me give you some insight .. the real amount is alot more than 150 billion dollar, and the sad part is the amount is increasing daily. The US failed policy in Iraq has created a vaccum which Iran has filled thus controlling many aspects of the Iraqi policy and contracts are in Iranian hands. It's well known this money has funded Iranian interests within the region including ISIS and Hezbollah and the various outlawed malitias in Iraq who have pledged their loyalty to Iran. Furthermore, this is the very reason the sanctions on Iran are failing because they have been using Iraq to launder their money. China has taken a big role in filling the economic gap in Iraq and Iran signing major oil deals.

What puzzles me is why the US policy in Iraq is so weak. Saddam and his Kids with all their corruption didn't steal a fraction of billions of dollars robbed after the US invasion.. why liberate a country from a dictator and serve it on a golden plate to radical savages ? The US should have placed strict controls on the Iraqi Central Bank and all funds coming in and leaving Iraq. The US and international community must take out the Malitias serving Iranian interests in Iraq and encourage foreign investment and deviate the economies reliance on oil along with developing the country and educating it's people.
