127421 Seiten

L’ultradroite étend sa toile sur Internet, « super organe de propagande »
Dans une note que « Le Monde » a pu consulter, la sous-direction antiterroriste souligne l’influence croissante de « l’extrême droite violente » sur certains sites comme YouTube, vecteur privilégié pour tenter de recruter des sympathisants.

Covid-19 : l’Académie de médecine préconise de rendre le vaccin obligatoire
Pour l’institution, il s’agit du seul moyen d’atteindre « une immunité collective suffisante pour contrôler l’épidémie ».

Florida to end $300-a-week pandemic unemployment benefits in June
Republican governors have cited the improving economy and the inability of employers in their states to find workers as the reasons behind their decisions. Whether the beefed-up benefits are keeping people from accepting job offers is a matter of debate.

Missing fisherman found alive after 17 nights in the Oregon wilderness
Search teams left packages of food on the trails in hopes he would find them

Children are at increased risk of accidental poisoning from marijuana edibles, study finds
Children are at increased risk of accidental poisoning from edibles and other products made from marijuana, according to a new study analyzing calls to poison control centers

Alabama governor signs bill banning Covid-19 vaccine passports
Alabama is just the latest state to put restrictions on requiring proof that a person has been immunized against Covid-19

US Navy introduces incentives for sailors to get vaccinated
The Navy became the first branch in the US military to issue service-wide incentives for sailors to get vaccinated against Covid-19, including increased freedom of movement at port calls and the ending of pre-deployment quarantine for those who have been vaccinated

21-year-old University of Cincinnati soccer player drowned in an Ohio state park
A 21-year-old University of Cincinnati soccer player drowned in a state park in Ohio over the weekend, authorities said.

Young Americans are lagging behind with Covid-19 vaccines. And these threats have experts pushing for their vaccination
Experts are turning their focus in the fight against Covid-19 to vaccinating young Americans -- warning that though they may not face high risk for serious illness, they may still have to contend with long-term symptoms.

Moderna says its Covid-19 vaccine is safe and appears effective in adolescents
JUST IN: Moderna says its Covid-19 vaccine is safe and appears to be effective in children ages 12 to 17 after review of latest trial